Sunday, November 16, 2014

[Watch] Islam Invades House Floor – Imam Leads Representatives in Opening Prayer to Allah


The House members, particularly Speaker Boehner, chose to allow this Imam to come into the people’s House and lead our representatives in an obligatory prayer which has much of the underpinnings of a sales presentation on just how wonderful the Muslim god “Allah” is.
The presentation starts out with the New Jersey Imam telling those in mandatory attendance how Allah is the most gracious and the most merciful. While the Representatives know of the persecutions of practitioners of other faiths by Islam, they politely remain silent and allow him to continue. They refuse as well to object to being led by in a prayer and providing symbolic support of a religion that fails to acknowledge the rights of those in other faiths to exist and practice. They also ignore the totalitarian nature of much of the Islamic theocracies around the world as well as the subordinate position of women, which treats them as property under their social and legal systems.
Our Representatives fail to recognize that many in the Islamic faith interpret their Koran as a document that mandates international conquest and one that supports the overthrow of all governments, including ours.
The Imam says that the Congress worships Allah and seeks his aid. That is more than a bit presumptuous on his part. Most of them probably do not hold his religion in high regard, given the realities of the atrocities done in the name of Allah and the failure of their members to object or demand reform. No matter how many times they claim Islam to be a religion of peace, the facts still remain the facts. Beheadings aren’t done in the name of any other god. You don’t find Christians or Jews butchering people on video tape and they don’t condemn them for practicing a different religion or require a payment of cash or blood for failing to convert.
It is odd that when it comes to a national holiday such as Christmas, the atheists and Islamic activists demand that there be a separation of church and state. When they have an opportunity to assert and showcase their religion in a venue such as this, the separation arguments just kind of vanish.
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, Speaker Boehner. Let them know, they can have another crack at opening the House once a Christian or Jew has had the same opportunity to open the government in either Saudi Arabia or Iran. They can choose.

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