Monday, December 22, 2014

Illegal Alibis: Woman claims ex put immigrants in her closet “to get back at her”


Immigrants present in the US illegally were found hiding out in a woman’s closet.
Lorraine De La Cruz allowed Border Patrol agents inside her Rio Grande City home after they knocked on her front door, a criminal complaint in the case reveals.
Inside the home, seven immigrants were found inside a closet and in a bedroom, court documents say.
The woman told authorities she was out having dinner with her mom only to return and find immigrants inside her home.
She told agents her ex-husband had seen her on a date before he placed the immigrants in her house “to get back at her.”
Agents then interviewed two of the immigrants during their immigrant smuggling investigation.
Francisco Mateo, who is accused of being in the US without proper documentation, told authorities he ran into the woman’s home.
When she woke up, she greeted them and offered them tacos and a shower, agents said.
Another witness, Tomas Lorenzo, told agents the woman never asked them to leave.
De La Cruz was arrested earlier this month and charged with bringing in and harboring aliens, a felony.
She appeared before U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge Peter Ormsby in McAllen.
The Rio Grande City woman has since been released on a $30,000 unsecured bond.


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