Saturday, December 20, 2014

Jan Takes a Stand Against Lawless, Anti-American Movement, Rejects Order to Issue Driver’s Licenses to the Illegals


TUCSON, Arizona – Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vowed to keep up the pressure against issuing driver’s licenses to young undocumented immigrants known as “dreamers” following a court decision ordering the state to do so starting next Monday.

The federal court judge in Phoenix, David Campbell, ordered Thursday that Arizona begin to award driver’s licenses to undocumented youths protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, or DACA.

The Republican governor said in a communique that “it is outrageous that Arizona is being forced to ignore long-standing state law and comply with a flawed federal court mandate that requires the state, at least temporarily, to issue driver’s licenses to individuals whose presence is in violation of federal law, as established by the United States Congress.”

Brewer said “I have instructed my legal team to move forward in pursuing a full review of this matter before the United States Supreme Court as soon as possible.”

“At stake in this case are the fundamental issues of constitutional law and state sovereignty. Arizona has the constitutional right and authority to enforce state statute. This right must be protected. It must be defended. And as long as I am governor, I will do exactly that,” she said.

Meanwhile, Dulce Matuz, activist and president of the Arizona Dream Act Coalition, told Efe that she was sorry about Brewer’s attitude, and said there is no argument about state’s rights, only about the governor’s wish to turn dreamers into “second-class residents.”

Gov. Brewer signed an executive order in 2012 that denied undocumented youths who were protected under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals any possibility of obtaining a driver’s license.


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