Monday, December 29, 2014

Meet The Agitators Behind The New York Protests And Cop Killings


By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Hat Tip: Right Side News

As riots and police attacks ratchet up, America needs a primer on who is behind all the violence and chaos. The media and our Marxist government would have you believe that the protests across the nation are spontaneous reactions to the cop-related murders of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. Both were black young men and both were killed by white cops. Only problem is that both of these thugs were actively committing crimes and resisting arrest. Grand juries found both officers innocent. Racially stoked violence and protests were next on the agenda. But things are never what they seem and there are players that planned and executed an agenda when an opportunity presented itself.
The radical Leftist group, ANSWER, is behind much of this. ANSWER stands for Act Now to Stop War and End Racism. One of the major “anti-war” fronts of the Stalinist Workers War Party from the early 1990’s through 2010, ANSWER International sponsored many large protests over US involvement in Iraq during both the Gulf War and Operation Iraqi Freedom endeavors. Its leadership has consisted almost solely of WWP or Youth Against War and Fascism members. Since 2006, ANSWER has come under the influence of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, a split from the Workers World Party. In other words, communists. ANSWER shares the same physical address in New York as the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Though they claim to have formed in the aftermath of 9/11, this group’s core has been around a long time.
Coalition Organizations as listed on ANSWER Website:
  • Al-Awda (Right of Return Coalition)
  • IFCO/Pastors for Peace (ANSWER Steering Committee)
  • Free Palestine Alliance – U.S. (ANSWER Steering Committee)
  • Partnership for Civil Justice – LDEF (ANSWER Steering Committee)
  • Nicaragua Network (ANSWER Steering Committee)
  • Bayan – USA/International (ANSWER Steering Committee)
  • Korea Truth Commission (ANSWER Steering Committee)
  • International Action Center (ANSWER Steering Committee)
  • Muslim Student Association of the U.S./Canada (ANSWER Steering Committee)
  • Kensington Welfare Rights Union (ANSWER Steering Committee)
  • Mexico Solidarity Network (ANSWER Steering Committee)
  • Middle East Children’s Alliance (ANSWER Steering Committee)
  • National Council of Arab Americans
  • National Lawyer’s Guild
  • Not in Our Name
  • United for Peace and Justice
Speakers at ANSWER-Co-Sponsored Events as listed on ANSWER Website:
ANSWER also claims 501c status under the Progress Unity Fund.
The New York protests were organized by ANSWER, Occupy Wall Street and approximately 10 other radical Left wing groups. These groups are economic justice and pro-Palestinian in nature. ANSWER is extremely anti-Israel and anti-military. Their steering committee is made up of Progressive groups, socialists, communists and advocates from the Muslim, Arab, Palestinian, Filipino, Haitian and Latin American communities.
Democratic Socialists of America helped support and craft Occupy Wall Street. Also assisting in the formation of the group was the Communist Party USA, assisted by the Young Communist League USA. The communists are also working an agenda here to ‘change’ America into a communist utopia.
“Fifth Avenue is the world’s most expensive shopping street – a playground for the global 1%. **This 1% is precisely who the police serve and protect. They flood black, Latino and other oppressed communities like an occupying army so as to intimidate us into accepting things the way they are.”
Other organizers of the protests included:
  • Crystal House
  • El Grito De Sunset Park
  • Existence is Resistance
  • New Yorkers Against Bratton
  • NYC Solidarity with Palestine
The communists are not alone however. They are working with Jihadists – radical Islamists who want bloodshed in our streets. The media has blacked out that the killer of the two NYPD officers a week ago was Muslim. Ismaaiyl Brinsley had Koranic verses and Islamic Jihadist propaganda on his Facebook page. He was also cozy with an extremist imam. But you would never know it to read the mainstream media. Brinsley was also a member of the gang known as the Black Guerilla Family.
From Aaron Klein:
The gang to which NYPD cop killer Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley may have belonged, the Black Guerilla Family, is allied with U.S. leftist groups and worked as an ideological partner with Bill Ayers’ Weather Underground terrorist organization.
The New York Daily News reported investigators went to Baltimore to probe Brinsley’s ties to the Black Guerrilla Family, which dominates the Maryland prison where Brinsley spent time. The BGF is an African-American Marxist revolutionary organization that seeks the overthrow of the U.S. government.
Numerous Baltimore media outlets confirmed law-enforcement officials are probing the BGF link.
To cap that off, a week ago, the FBI issued a memo warning that the BGF was targeting “white cops”:
On Friday, the Baltimore FBI office issued a memo that the Black Guerrilla Family gang was targeting “white cops” in Maryland, an agency spokeswoman confirmed. The memo, circulating among officers, said a contact who had given reliable information in the past said members of the gang — connected to the high-profile corruption scandal at the Baltimore City Detention Center — were planning to target white officers to “send a message.”
Because of highly organized, radical groups fomenting violence and working towards an anarchistic end-game, officers across the country are now on a war footing. None more so than the NYPD, who just arrested seven more for making death threats against police on social media and whose headquarters had the witticisms: “NYPD KKK” and “Avenge our children,” scrawled on the sidewalk the other night. Today, thousands are expected to show up for the funeral of officer Ramos. Police will monitor from rooftops.
The NYPD issued the following alert:
Starting IMMEDIATELY: At least two units are to respond to EVERY call, no matter the condition or severity, no matter what type of job is pending, or what the opinion of the patrol supervisor happens to be.
IN ADDITION: Absolutely NO enforcement action in the form of arrests and or summonses is to be taken unless absolutely necessary and an individual MUST be placed under arrest.
These are precautions that were taken in the 1970’s when police officers were ambushed and executed on a regular basis.
The mayor’s hands are literally dripping with our blood because of his words actions and policies andwe have, for the first time in a number of years, become a ‘wartime’ police department. We will act accordingly.
The Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee, or TMOC, is alleged to have been the original group behindcalling for the death of cops. Their social media posts tie them to events that called for the spilling of police blood. Some of the slogans used that night that included “arms up, shoot back!” are the same ones used by TMOC. They have also been fundraising for their so-called ‘comrades’ who were arrested for allegedly assaulting police officers on the Brooklyn Bridge, just hours after the “dead cops” chant was recorded. According to the Daily Beast, TMOC hates the police and is calling for violence against them. They engender a blend of “Black Bloc” anarchist street violence with social media campaigns to rally the ranks and get their violence on. They are crafty – by keeping their organizing online, members can plan and incite without coming out from behind their digital masks until they hit the streets. Thus, tracking them down and catching them is that much harder.
This is the handy work of TMOC:
Let’s not forget that the influence of Van Jones can be seen in all of this. A banner carried at the front of the group read, “No Cops, No Prisons.” That is Van Jones’ movement and his legacy right there. Remember, Van Jones was a founder and leader of Bay Area Police Watch. So, somewhere behind all of this, you will find his guiding hand actively influencing black youth to riot and push unrest.
From the Daily Beast:
An Instagram of that “No Cops No Prisons” banner displays a number of hashtags, including #turnuptheanger, a hashtag associated with TMOC. (The first mention of #turnuptheanger on Twitter, for example, directs to a Facebook page hosted by the Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee NYC.)
It’s not the only apparent link between the “dead cops” chant and TMOC. At the beginning of the video and before the call to kill police, you can hear what sounds like, “arms up, shoot back!” That slogan appears on TMOC’s Twitter account.
The day before the December 13th, Millions March, a nationwide protest concerned with racial justice and policing, TMOC began planning a march within the march using “Turn up the anger” as their rallying cry. The hashtag also served another purpose. People using it effectively opened a secret channel on an a public platform. Anyone who typed #turnuptheanger into Twitter could post photos or write messages only seen by others who knew the hashtag.
It was a dirty, free-for-all as the group began marching. They started off with chants to “off the pigs.” Then Black Bloc anarchists smashed up a cop car with an officer in it. He was forced to get the heck out of there according to a tweet by an independent photojournalist named Shay Horse. He’s connected to Occupy Wall Street. The filthy, hot mess continued with the breaking of barricades, throwing trash and glass bottles in the street, looting and general mayhem. Another anarchist-leaning Twitter account attributed the most egregious anti-police rhetoric to the #turnuptheanger contingent at the protests. This was the same night two officers were attacked on the Brooklyn Bridge. Do the math.
More from this at the Daily Beast:
When the officers approached a protester who they say was poised to throw a metal trash can, a group of activists surrounded them in a skirmish that was captured on video. Both officers were scraped up, and one had his nose broken, according to the police department.
On its Facebook page, TMOC said that some of its “comrades” surrendered to police on charges of alleged involvement in the altercation.
“As of 9am on Saturday, December 20, comrades of the Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee-NYC have surrendered to the custody of the NYPD, for their alleged involvement in an incident on the Brooklyn Bridge on the night of the Millions March,” reads the letter, which was also posted to the website of The New Inquiry, a left-wing politics and culture magazine known for hosting salons in Manhattan.
“We know they are the victims here—not the NYPD. We are all victims at the hands of the white supremacist, capitalist state,” the letter continued. “For the same reason, we are the ones to overturn it.”
And from there, the letter asked for money for a legal defense fund.
Among those arrested was a Harvard-educated poet and another was making more than $100,000 a year working for one of the most powerful unions in New York City. Meanwhile, New York Rep. Charlie Rangeldenied that it happened at all. Typical Progressive denial from a man who has a very long list of communist ties. This is what a Marxist group of about 200 can accomplish if organized right – they have drawn thousands into their cause all under false pretenses. There is literally no shortage of useful idiots in America these days it seems.
Those such as Red Bill de Blasio and Al Sharpton are merrily throwing fuel on the race war fire as well…

Al Shaprton: I’M HERE TO HELP
From the Genius of Sabo at Unsavory Agents
Between the tender mercies of Sharpton and de Blasio, our feckless leader Barack Obama and his henchman Eric Holder are also adding to the bonfire of racial division and social upheaval. They have encouraged hatred like the following found on social media where they were cheering the deaths of courageous police officers:
“Good riddance. Whenever I hear about bitch ass police getting murked I celebrate with no fucks given,” someone posted on “thehoodup” message board. “Alot of ppl was not fine with this peaceful protesting shit out didn’t change anything.This dude sent a message to nypd,” the following poster added. In the ten pages of commentary, if anyone felt differently they were in the clear minority.
Trayvon Martin’s family has disavowed TMOC and the ‘Dead Cops’ marchers. They want nothing to do with them and at least that is something. But this is out the gate now and is not just about one individual any more. It is a violent movement encouraged by our government, communists and Jihadists. Change has come to America.
Which brings us full circle back to ANSWER:
On Tuesday night, hundreds of protesters ignored the mayor’s call and staged rallies and marches in the city.
An organizer for the Answer Coalition, which led one of the marches Tuesday night, told Capital New York that heeding the mayor’s request would have been “a capitulation to the police, and to their supporters, who are trying to stop this movement, and are looking for ways to slow this movement down.”
The Answer organizer, Eugene Puryear, further told Capital: “We don’t believe this movement has any connection to what took place in Brooklyn, and we think any suggestion otherwise is a smear. And we reject the fact that these protests are creating an atmosphere of, you know, chaos, and vigilantism, as they suggest.”
If there is one thing you know as a solid truth, it is that communists lie. They do the exact opposite of what they claim. See above.
Powerline has also researched ANSWER extensively:
Beginning way back in 2002, we wrote about International A.N.S.W.E.R., a Communist organization that was founded in September 2001 and that organized substantial antiwar demonstrations during the Bush administration. A.N.S.W.E.R. embodied within itself the seeming contradiction between the far left and Islamic extremism: it enthusiastically supported both Kim il Jung and Saddam Hussein, and is directed in part by the Muslim Student Association. Our earliest posts on A.N.S.W.E.R. have been lost in our various database moves; the first one that survives is this brief post from January 2003. At one time I did some research to try to figure out where A.N.S.W.E.R.’s money comes from. From publicly available filings I could deduce that they are supported by a handful of rich benefactors, but I couldn’t identify who they were.
Powerline points out that ANSWER is ecstatic over Obama’s Cuba machinations. Their communist agenda is alive and well and being pushed harder than ever. ANSWER has evil motives and if it is radical, you will find them behind it somewhere. It is no surprise they are involved in the New York protests and cop killings. It’s what they do and they aren’t done yet.


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