Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Mexican Corruption: Is America's Southern Neighbor Producing State-sponsored Terrorism?


The Unofficial Iguala History; Fed Police and Army Involved in Massacre?

Fed. Police blocking access to clandestine  fosas (graves)

 Posted and translated by DD republished from Proceso.

DD: Could finding the truth about Iguala get any crazier?

The night of September 26 policemen from Iguala and Cocula, obeying orders of the mayor Iguala , attacked the teacher training students in Ayotzinapa, killed three and another 43 they  turned over toGuerreros Unidos, a group that allegedly killed the students and incinerated their corpses . That is the official version. But a journalistic investigation, based on official documents, videos and testimonials, tell a different story: The attack was orchestrated and executed by the Federal Police, with the complicity or open collaboration of the Army.

MEXICO, D. F. (Process) .- Federal forces participated in the attack against the students at the normal Ayotzinapa the night of September 26 in Iguala, Guerrero, during which died three teacher training and 43 went missing in a succession of facts that was known in real time by the federal government.

A study done with the support of the Journalism Program of Research from the University of California at Berkeley on the basis of testimonies, videos, unpublished reports and judicial statements shows that the Federal Police (PF) participated actively and were directly involved in the attack.

Even more, according to information obtained by the normal process of Ayotzinapa, the attack and disappearance of the students was directed specifically to the ideological structure and governance of the institution, because one of the 43 missing  was part of the Committee on student Struggle, the highest governing body of the school and 10 were "political activists in training" of the committee of political and ideological orientation (COPI).

Until now the official version is that the then mayor of Iguala, José Luis Abarca, ordered the aggression, concerned about the possibility that students interrupted the report on the activities of his wife, Maria de los Angeles Pineda Villa, President of the municipal DIF.

According to this version, municipal police of Iguala and the neighboring municipality of Cocula attacked and captured the students, while members of Guerreros Unidos killed the missing and burned their corpses. with the ignorance of the federal agents and soldiers stationed in the area.

However, the videos, documents and testimony obtained reveal a different story.
Video on next page;

An unpublished report of the Government of Guerrero - dated in October and handed over to the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) more than a month ago- obtained by Proceso around the facts of 26 and 27 September says that from the time of their departure from the Normal School of Ayotzinapa facilities, students were monitored by State and federal government officials.

 According to the document,:

At 17:59 the Center of Control, Command, Communications and Calculation (C4) of Chilpancingo informed that the normalistas were departing from Ayotzinapa heading to Iguala.

At 20:00 the PF and the state police came to the federal toll road between Chilpancingo-Iguala, where the students were starting doing a collection from passing motorist (a common practice for he Normalistas).

At 21:22 hours the Federal Police Chief based in Iguala, Luis Antonio Dorantes,  was informed of the entry of young people to the bus station and at 21:40 the C4's even reported the first shooting

Borderland Beat Reporter 
 DD:  Those old famous 2 questions;  What did they know?  When did they know it?


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