Friday, December 19, 2014

Oklahoma boy puts quarter in vending machine, gets Nazi ring


(Reuters) - An Oklahoma mother is asking why her 4-year-old son received a ring with a Nazi symbol this week from a surprise vending machine for children in a Tulsa store.
Leona Kelley told Tulsa broadcaster KOKI-TV the gold-colored plastic ring with an eagle clutching a swastika in its talons came from a 25-cent vending machine at a Family Dollar store on Wednesday.
"We actually bought four things, and three of them were little dinosaurs or something," Kelley told the broadcaster. "And on the fourth one, it so happened this fell out."
Kelley was not immediately available for comment. In the television interview, she said she had asked the store to explain.
Family Dollar told the broadcaster the machine is stocked by an outside supplier, but would not identify the supplier. The store did not respond to calls seeking comment.
"It was made just like the other rings they've got in there," Kelley said. "You can bend it up and shove it in here. So it was made for a vending machine. I just don't understand why."
(Reporting by Heide Brandes; Editing by Jon Herskovitz and Doina Chiacu)


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