Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Point Well Taken: Not here illegally, no fatal accident


Not here illegally, no fatal accident

On Nov. 21, a very good friend of mine lost his life in a motor vehicle accident. Robert Lofink was a kind, gentle and caring man who had always valued the rights of all mankind.

The day prior to this accident, President Obama announced that he was going to grant temporary legal status to those who have entered this country illegally. The president used a blanket statement that those illegal immigrants are hardworking, law-abiding people who contribute to this nation.

For the most part, he was accurate, but there is a large portion of those people who do break additional laws, through actions like driving without a license, driving without insurance and failing to pay income tax, which are all crimes that U.S. citizens would be punished for.

Please understand that this is not an anti-illegal-immigrant rant, but a call for justice and the enforcement of the immigration laws that are currently on the books.

If Eric Gonzalez-Huerta, the man charged in the Nov. 21 fatal accident, had entered the country legally, the accident still might have occurred, but if he had been awaiting legal entry status in Mexico, the accident could not have occurred.

Recently, Mr. Lofink and I discussed that it had been 50 years (golden anniversary) since the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which both of us supported. How unfitting it is that on the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Lofink, his life would be taken by an illegal immigrant.

James M. Mesnar


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