Thursday, December 4, 2014

White Guilt Filled Caucasians Start OUTRAGEOUS Trend On Twitter #Crimingwhilewhite


The protests this week over the death of two unarmed black men have ignited a racial debate across the country.

 Liberals claim”white privilege” is the reason why white people are not arrested at the same rate as black people. 
I don’t deny that white privilege did exist throughout history, but if it exists at the levels liberals claim it does today, I don’t think you can solely blame white people. 
I believe that an overwhelming amount of crime being committed in black communities is the reason why so many black people are profiled. 
If civil rights leaders and our president really wanted to solve this problem, they would stop focusing on the police and start focusing on why the police are there. 
I’m not claiming that there are no racist police officers out there, but common sense tells us that police go to the areas that have the most crime. 
But liberals are seldom known for using common sense, and they show that again with this new race-baiting stunt.
Yesterday, in response to the lack of indictment in the Eric Garner case, white liberals took to twitter and began CONFESSING crimes they have committed, but got in little to no trouble for.
 They used the hashtag, “#Crimingwhilewhite”. 
They are saying it’s a digital version of the protest movements taking hold across the country. Here are just a few examples:
Unfortunately for them, the numbers don’t support the argument that police are only after black people.
 Statistics show that more white people are killed by police than black people, and 99.9% of arrests do NOT end up in death. 
According to the latest stats available, In 2012, 123 black people were shot dead by police. 
In the same year, nearly 3 times as many whites, 326, were shot and killed by police. 
Race-baiters like Al Sharpton keep that little jewel of info quiet of course.  
Racism does still exist, but I think we have come a long way.
 There is a black man, well half black man, holding one of the most powerful positions in the world. 
Blaming skin color for not succeeding isn’t helping anyone but MSNBC.


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