Saturday, January 24, 2015

China Updates Its “Great Firewall” and Intensifies Internet Censorship


DECEPTION INDICATED: China's control of outside infiltration and censorship is refered to as a bad thing in media reports. Meanwhile, Americans are to believe that Barack Obama's wish to "protect" U.S. from hackers and regulate the internet though "Net Neutrality" is a good thing?

BEIJING – China has intensified internet censorship with the upgrade of its “Great Firewall,” the protocol which blocks web pages and filters the results in search engines, the official newspaper Global Times reported Friday.

Chinese censorship now also partially affects Virtual Private Networks (VPN), tools that allow users to hide IP addresses, to navigate as if they were in another country and thus access pages blocked in China such as Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, among others.

Astrill, a company that offers one of the most popular VPNs in China, on Wednesday sent a notice to its users in which it warned that its services were being blocked in those devices that use the Apple operating system, iOS.

“Intercepting and interfering in foreign electronic mail like Gmail and targeting IPSec, which is used mostly by businesses, is just one way that China is telling us: ‘We don’t want you here,’” Astrill said in a statement.

The Global Times echoed these problems and linked them to the “Great Firewall” update.

“The authorities apparently cannot ignore these services since they affect the sovereignty of our cyberspace,” Qin An, an expert from the China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy, told the newspaper.


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