Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Importing Jihad – 2.3 Million Muslim Immigrants To America


Muslims praying in DC

Since between 2000 and 2013 (the last year for which statistics are available) some 2,338,013 legal immigrants arrived in America from Muslim countries.

Why does America need over 2.3 million Muslim immigrants? What is the benefit to America? Moreover, what are the risks? Which government agency is vetting who arrives, who gets to stay and who qualifies for US citizenship?

And perhaps of greater importance than the question “why should we allow them to come here?” is “what is being done to assimilate them?”

And the answer during the Obama years has been not much.

In France today and indeed all across Europe, we see the result of open immigration from Islamic countries. The harsh reality is that these immigrant societies do not assimilate to their host society. They may integrate economically, but they remain apart culturally.

What we also observe, in towns and cities all across Europe and UK, are “Muslim colonization zones,” where having achieved a critical demographic mass, these sub-societies reject the law of their host countries, attempting to replace it with sharia law.* There are sharia colonization zones in England, France, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and Germany.

Within these mini-states, Radical imams freely and openly sermonize on the requirements of young Muslims to commit themselves to Jihad – and that’s not the kind of spiritual quest that Muslim Brotherhood-inspired organizations like the Council on Islamic American Relations (CAIR) would like you think Jihad means.

Writing on “The Hollywood Republican” website Ron Maxwell asks the question Congress, that has the power to set immigration limits, should be asking:

Do we really want to aid and abet the creation of similar sub-societies and no go zones in the USA? Do we really want to import such huge numbers of immigrants from Islamic societies when we have seen, with our own eyes, the utter failure of assimilation and multiculturalism in Europe?

Maxwell concludes that “Transferring murder, mayhem and radicalism from dysfunctional Islamic countries to Europe and America, and in so doing voluntarily putting our own citizens at great risk is not a requirement of being a compassionate, open-minded, enlightened and tolerant human being.”

Moreover, as he notes in his column, such questions does not constitute “Islamophobia.” Moderate, assimilated Muslims know these kinds of questions are fair minded and entirely reasonable. After all, the Egyptian and Pakistani people also face Islamic terrorism in their own countries.

It is naive to believe that could not (and is not) happening in America.

Muslims using food stamps in Minnesota are demanding that the welfare program be required to meet the stringent requirement of the Islamic diet, which does not allow pork products to be eaten. Proto-Muslim colonization zones already exist in New York, Michigan, California, Texas, New Jersey, Maryland, Minnesota, and Virginia. Today in America Islamic radicals are mostly biding their time, waiting to achieve critical mass.

As we concluded in our column “America's Suicidal Muslim Immigration Policies,” Islam, as it is today practiced by millions of Muslims across the globe, is inimical to the separation of church and state and government based on constitutional liberty. We are in a war of ideas, not just with radical Islamists, but with concepts deeply embedded in Muslim culture. And as long as mass legal (and illegal) immigration from Muslim countries continues unabated we are losing that war.

*London's 'Muslim Patrol' aims to impose Sharia law in East London

*Sharia Law: Battlefield London

Legal Immigration from Muslim countries 2000-2013

Afghanistan:  50,336
Albania:  86,965
Algeria:  21,354
Azerbaijan:  28,883
Bahrain:  2,298
Bangladesh:  193,537
Brunei:  511
Burkina Faso:  3,674
Comoros:  65
Djibouti:  773
Egypt:  151,029
Gambia:  11,217
Guinea:  13,703
Indonesia:  58,979
Iran:  304,267
Iraq:  158,633
Jordan:  95,069
Kosovo:  2,646
Kuwait:  24,057
Kyrgyzstan:  9,405
Lebanon:  97,613
Libya:  5,889
Malaysia:  44,574
Maldives:  40
Mali:  6,105
Mauritania:  5,603
Morocco:  77,024
Niger:  5,686
Oman:  1,386
Pakistan:  334,934
Qatar:  2,657
Saudi Arabia:  24,080
Senegal:  19,141
Sierra Leone:  40,909
Somalia:  98,120
Sudan:  52,882
Syria:  64,153
Tajikistan:  6,497
Tunisia:  8,034
Turkey:  82,635
Turkmenistan:  3,145
UAE:  12,189
Uzbekistan:  73,076
Western Sahara:  7
Yemen:  54,233

Total:    2,338,013

Constitutes on average 15,000 per month and continuing unabated


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