Monday, January 26, 2015

MUSIC TO THE EARS: "Impeachment", a word seldom muttered


Sunday Leaders Rep Babin
Daily Caller

Texas GOP Rep: Obama ‘Deserves Impeachment’

George Orwell said that “in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Republican congressman Brian Babin is new to Congress, and this dentist from Woodvine, Texas radiates a love for country while worrying for his grandchildren when he sees the sorry state of our federal government.
But Babin is unafraid to speak clearly, and Washington should listen to what he has to say.
When the Democrats crowed in December about getting “all they wanted from Republicans” in the Cromnibus, the newly elected Babin became increasingly skeptical of what House Republicans were doing. On the opening day of the 114th Congress, Babin was one of the 25 who didn’t vote for John Boehner for Speaker, a vote he said “was not fun,” but which was facilitated by numerous, passionate calls from his district supporting his doubts.
Contradicting the notion of compromise with President Obama that most Republican leaders are currently espousing, this freshman says his Texas voters “unequivocally sent a message to stop Obama’s policies. Period.”
While Babin believes President Obama “deserves impeachment,” he can’t see Washington doing it. But the new Republican Senate can allow the 114th Congress to demonstrate the congressional “power of the purse” as given to it in the Constitution. The president “can no longer hide behind the skirts of Harry Reid,” he says.
As a veteran himself and a father of a decorated Navy SEAL, Babin thinks Obama is an “appeaser deluxe” as the Texan watches the decline of our military — as well as the nation’s stature. Beyond foreign policy failures and the erosion of our military, the “unchecked and unsecured border puts us at risk.”
Apart from the implications of open borders, Babin sees the harmful impact of federal leniency on amnesty and borders from his experience as a school board member, mayor and city councilman. He says, “we can’t afford to take everyone under our wing and lay this burden on the American taxpayer.”
To those business interests or Republicans obfuscating on immigration policy to appease or pander, Babin calls this a “dangerous precedent.” This will “set the precedent that the Congress has completely abdicated their responsibility,” he believes.
Babin thinks President Obama’s legacy will be one of vacillation and weakness, with American decline on his watch. “We do not have a Churchill in office here.”
On Obama’s most infamous achievement, Obamacare, Babin says he will do everything in his power to repeal it. Obamacare, he believes, “is not affordable and it is the gift that keeps on taking.”
On the emerging threats from the Islamic State, Obama should stand up for American interests. “I’m an old Golden Glover. I’m not saying I was a great fighter or anything, but you need to know how to defend yourself, and when people are intent upon your destruction, bullying you, it’s time to stand up for your people and hit back and hit back real hard.”
For more on freshman Rep. Brian Babin, see his website here, his Facebook page here and his Tweets here.
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