Thursday, January 8, 2015

The End Of French 'Multiculturalism'


Europe Too
Very similar to the UK, and similar to several other EU28 countries including Italy, Belgium, Spain and Portugal, France's elites engaged a wrongheaded, anarchic and born-to-fail “multicultural experiment' in the 1960s. In the French case this came immediately after its total defeat in France's vicious and bloody colonial war in Algeria (1956-63) aimed at keeping Algeria an integral part of the French state and nation. Today's French far-right nationalist passionara – Marine Le Pen – was a schoolgirl when her father Jean-Marie Le Pen was a French army officer in Algeria, where he lost an eye. He later bragged about his feats of torture and “elimination” of Algerian resistance fighters, already including Muslim religious cadres engaged in a fight to the death “against the white infidels”.

Jean-Marie Le Pen fought to keep Algeria a part of the French nation, that it had been since the 1830s. As part of the state and nation, Algerian French could, theoretically, circulate and live and work anywhere in France, either in “metropolitan” France or the Algerian region and its departements or districts. This of course – in theory - would not apply to citizens of an independent separate nation.
For reasons that had more to do with sentiment and atonement for the brutal excesses of the French colonial war, which killed around 500 000 Algerians and 50 000 French, the decision was made by De Gaulle to allow, in fact to encourage mass immigration from now-independent Algeria to France. Later on, this elite-atonement reflex action was backed by the “pure liberal” economic theory that mass immigration is good for any economy – it drives down wages in the free-for-all scrabble for jobs, and it increases pressure on housing allowing real estate prices to be jacked up ever higher. Mass immigration also raises demand for public services like schools and hospitals, creating jobs for government employees, in a supposedly “gayly competitive economy”, supervised by and for the elites. French socialist elites, then headed by Francois Mitterand who later presided France for 14 long years (1981-95), especially approved of mass immigration due to their belief that the new immigrants, being mostly low wage, would be responsive to socialist propaganda and would vote Parti Socialiste.
At the start of the Arab mass migration wave, soon joined by mass immigration from France's sub-Saharan African  colonies, the French cynical joke about these low-wage migrants was that they could replace white garbage collectors who had moved up the social elevator, to get higher-paid factory jobs. The joke was not about Ben Laden invading France but the arrival of 'Ben Basculant”. In French, a garbage tipper truck is called a “benne basculante”.
Let It Rot – Let It Bleed
Being a liberal-type western economy and society, it was sacrosanct for the French to “laisser faire” - - they in fact invented this Do Nothing slogan and cause of global economic meltdown. Mass immigration ran full-tilt through the 1960s and 1970s, even after the “premier choc petrolier” of 1973-74 and the beginning of the end for the Growth Economy. French economic growth declined and inflation soared - but the iimmigrant wave kept rolling. Instead of being low wage refuse disposal operatives, the new immigrants became instant unemployeds, to join the swelling ranks of national, indigenous or “autochtone” French unemployeds – the ones who'd lived there for centuries!
Any major speech from Marine Le Pen goes into this “inconvenient truth” about France's dangerous experiment with mass immigration. As she says, in France today there are immigrant-origin families where three generations have never worked a day of their lives! What are they doing in France? French intrinsic white anti-Muslim racism then ups the ante and explains why Marine Le Pen regularly gets 35% of all votes in local elections for her FN party. The FN says that approximately 6 million recent immigrants to France must be deported – to save the nation.
This week's gory and barbaric mass killing in Paris – of course cowardly because the victims were unarmed and could not put a 9mm bullet in the head of their supposedly “Muslim activist” attackers defending the image of Mahomet against infidels – will inevitably give a major boost to Marine Le Pen's campaign to become the next president of France. As the punk psychopaths of the Islamic State are finding as they run up against armed Kurds, armed Yazidis, armed Shia Iraqi forces, and Bashr al Assad's armed forces – who will fight to the last man – the IS “game plan” of defending Allah with an AK47 is not so easy when you face armed people who think you are filth, because you act that way.
France' mass immigration plague only became politicized from the later 1980s, with the attack on laisser faire mass immigration – into a stagnant economy with no jobs – led by Jean-Marie Le Pen, with his own eccentric mix-and-mingle of shibboleths, such as his theory of a Jewish-Arab plot to destroy the French nation in particular, and Europe in general. The power of Francois Mitterand's party machine, and his own brand of total presidential power clamped down, sometimes using strongarm tactics, on all mass media discussion of the immigration plague. Mitterand's obsession with total power for himself, and achieving a 14-year-long stranglehold on all levels of society in the French nation, made the subject verboten and interdit. The French state's remaining stranglehold over the mass media, with only a few non-state TV and radio channels then operating, aided Mitterand's megalomanic quest – for him mass immigration, especially from Muslim and black African ex-colonies of France was a handy lever to divide and rule society. To smash it and gloat over the wreckage! Mitterand's media crowd gurgled the Official Wisdom that France was now “multicultural”~ and even the weakest attempt to object was racism and ignorance!
Unwinding the “Multicultural” State
Economically, the so-called multicultural states like the UK and France, re-digesting their colonial heritage with frequent neo-colonial wars and killing sprees unleashed or fomented in unlucky countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia and of course the former French colony of Syria, is unwinding at a rapid rate. Laisser faire produced the immigrant horde and the weakened economies that cannot absorb and survive the migrant onslaught. To be sure, the elites whose refusal to decide resulted in this state of affairs do not leave in the concrete ghettos surrounding each major city – in the French case 'boasting' youth unemployment rates for the offspring of “new French from former colonies” of 50%.
Laisser faire means nothing can be done about it! If you are white, make a point of not going into the concrete ghettos at nighttime. You are not welcome!
Totally unlike the US state of affairs where Black Americans are loosely targeted by mostly-white American police – but both whites and blacks are immigrants to North America – the ghettoized Muslim and Black immigrant communities in Europe are facing serious challenges! If there was a growing economy, perhaps, they might have a place,but the same laisser faire that opened the flood gate for mass economic immigration also destroyed the growth economy, which might have have absorbed and integrated them. Too late now!
By Andrew McKillop
Former chief policy analyst, Division A Policy, DG XVII Energy, European Commission. Andrew McKillop Biographic Highlights
Co-author 'The Doomsday Machine', Palgrave Macmillan USA, 2012
Andrew McKillop has more than 30 years experience in the energy, economic and finance domains. Trained at London UK’s University College, he has had specially long experience of energy policy, project administration and the development and financing of alternate energy. This included his role of in-house Expert on Policy and Programming at the DG XVII-Energy of the European Commission, Director of Information of the OAPEC technology transfer subsidiary, AREC and researcher for UN agencies including the ILO.
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