Monday, July 25, 2011

Commission: Egyptian Muslims Kidnap, Rape, Convert Hundreds of Christian Girls

Send these videos and this testimony to the liberal, leftist media and Congress. Make sure they know what Obama is funding the Muslim Brotherhood to do to Christians in Egypt.

The Egyptians which Obama and the State Department are now funding are killing, kidnapping, raping and forcing conversions to Islam on Egyptian Coptic Christians. Make the media and U.S. elected officials acknowledge what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing in Egypt.

Via Vlad Tepes




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Catholic News Agency:

“Washington D.C., Jul 23, 2011 / 11:35 am (CNA).- The U.S. Helsinki Commission gathered on July 22 to discuss the increase in violence against Coptic Orthodox Christians in Egypt, specifically young women.

Reports of kidnapping and forced marriage and conversion began cropping up in 2007, but remained “unsubstantiated,” said Michele Clark, an adjunct professor of international affairs at George Washington University.

“I am here to confirm these allegations,” Clark said. “These are not isolated incidences.”

Clark and other witnesses testified July 22 before the independent U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. The commission is also known as the Helsinki Commission because it is tasked with monitoring compliance with the Helsinki Accords, a 1976 agreement between 56 countries that involves cooperation on issues related to human rights, democracy, economics and security.

Jean Maher, president of the France-based Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization, said that nearly 800 Coptic Christian women have been kidnapped, raped and forced to convert to Islam since 2009.

That number has only increased since the revolution in February, Maher said.

He said that before the revolution, Muslim kidnappers would have to “seduce” their victims. Now, they “just put them in a taxi and go away with them.”

Christian women are an obvious target because they do not wear a veil, which makes them easily identifiable as Christian, said Clark.

Clark said some women are no longer leaving their homes, for fear of being attacked.

Clark and Maher suggested that one of the greatest contributors to the abductions is the inactivity of police.

“Dozens of family members are reporting this,” he said. “They are very badly treated by police.”

Maher said most families of victims are already reluctant to come forward because taking away a woman’s virginity also strips the family of its honor. He said families of victims can also be accused of neglecting their daughters.

“As these victims recognize their voices aren’t being heard, they will no longer come forward,” Clark said.

Clark suggested this leads to a “cloak of silence, which only exasperates the problem.”

She added that in most cases, victims will know the names of their attackers.

In light of this, Clark urged the international community to tie financial aid to Egypt’s upholding and protecting the fundamental human rights listed in its constitution.

“Unconditional financial aid would be an error,” she said. “

More from Project Middle East Democracy:

“On Friday, the Helsinki Commission held a hearing entitled “Minority at Risk: Coptic Christians in Egypt.” Christopher Smith (R-NJ) chaired the hearing, also attending were Steve Cohen (D-TN), Joe Pitts (R-PA), Frank Wolf (R-VA), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), and Renee Ellmers (R-NC). The witnesses were Caroline Doss, Vice President, Coptic Solidarity; Michelle Clark, Adjunct Professor, George Washington University; and Jean Maher, President, French Office, Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization.

Chariman Smith opened the hearing expressing the need for more robust support for the rights of Coptic Christians in Egypt.

Caroline Doss described the violent attacks, discrimination, rape, forced religious conversions, and destruction of religious property currently experienced by thousands of Christian Copt’s in Egypt. She noted several documented attacks and the absence of action by the Egyptian government, both before and after the revolution. She also noted an apparent complicity by the government in some of these attacks.

She offered four recommendations: (1) support the passage of H.R.440 and S.1245 to create a Special Envoy for Religious Minorities in Middle East, (2) encourage the prosecution of perpetrators of these crimes, (3) encourage that international standards of human rights are upheld in the new Egyptian constitution and not undermined in later passages, and (4) attach relevant human rights conditions to any foreign aid to Egypt.

Congressman Cohen noted his concern about rising anti-Semitism in Egypt. Congressman Pitts noted that the impunity granted under former President Mubarak to security forces and those who forcibly converted Copt’s has not stopped since his removal. He is concerned that the new government may be more repressive, and in different ways, than the former regime.

Michelle Clark focused her testimony on recent reports by the U.S. State Department and other international organizations about “alleged” incidents of Coptic discrimination and forced religious conversions. She insisted that the term “alleged” must be removed, citing various sources of evidence.

Jean Maher testified about the systematic kidnapping, rape, forced marriage and religious conversion, and the disappearance of at least 30 Coptic girls since 2008.

Congressman Wolf noted that there would be amendments introduced to the House Committee on State and Foreign Operations appropriations bill conditioning aid to Egypt on adequately addressing the rights of Copt’s. He will also raise the issue with the new U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, Anne Patterson. Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen also supported conditioning aid to Egypt, she said, “we have a lot of funds that go to many countries, and these are tough economic times,” she continued saying that if the U.S. allocates funds then the U.S. must ensure that the recipient countries respect the rights of religious minorities and women.

Congressman Smith noted he will pressure the Obama Administration to re-designate Egypt to a Tier 3 country, down from their current Tier 2 status, on the U.S. Trafficking in Persons report by the State Department. Congressman Pitts would like to see Egypt designated as a country of concern in relation to the U.S. International Religious Freedom Act. All three panelists agreed with Congressman Pitts’ proposal.”

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