Monday, July 25, 2011

Will the Labor party in Norway want to bring back the death penalty now that crime has been made so PERSONAL to them?

Norwegian Liberal Politics FAIL: Bumbling Police Took 90 Minutes to Get to Island
What happened in Norway on Friday shows an absolute, pathetic, utter failure of a century of liberalism and wimpy pacifism of the Norwegian Labor Party.

Ironically, it was the party itself targeted for the violence.

Progressives can’t bear to have violent criminals put to death for their heinous crimes. Thus the likelihood that “good” people may be victimized by lawbreakers who have no fear of retribution.

Despite killing at least 93 people, we learn now that Norwegian murderer Anders Behring Breivik will only face, at MAXIMUM, 21 years in jail. How’s that for “progressive” justice? He is 32 now and will still be a young man after having his three hot squares a day on the Norwegian taxpayer’s tab.

How does Norway’s liberal Labor Party like that policy now? Now that the crimes committed are “personal,” directed at the prime minister who is a member of the Labor Party, and at the prestigious Utoya Labor Party youth camp, will Norway’s progressive elites demand “justice?” Norway banned civilian death sentences in 1905.

Norway has been shamefully “feeding the crocodile” as it embraced its Muslim “multiculturalism” in recent years, and institutionally harassed its Jewish citizens. There was little discussion in Norway when a police report showed 100% of the rapes in 2010 in Oslo were committed by Muslims against Norwegian women. Apparently none of the victims was related to a Labor Party member?

Now let’s review another failure of decades of limp-wristed progressivism in Norway, which is why more than 84 kids were mowed down by the killer Breivik on Friday. Many more campers could have been saved if police had timely arrived.

We learn in an astounding report from the U.K. Daily Mail that first responders decided AGAINST going to the island to save the campers immediately. They decided to WAIT for the specialty SWAT team. WHY? It subsequently took 90 minutes for the SWAT team to get there.

“It has emerged that special forces in Oslo did not have an operative helicopter available that could take them straight to the island.

And when they finally arrived after a 28 mile trip by road to Hoenefoss, opposite the island, 60 minutes after receiving the first reports of the shooting, they could not find a suitable boat to use.

The one they did board almost sank because their equipment was too heavy – and they had to continuously bail out water as they made the crossing.”

Absolutely pathetic. Ill-prepared, ill-equipped, no plans for emergencies. When Norwegian kids were crying, begging, texting and calling frantically for help, their ridiculous excuse for a police force bumbled around like Keystone Kops. The murderer Breivik had plenty of time to chase down his victims, reloading over and over again.

Because Norwegian liberals really don’t want to get their fingernails dirty thinking about crime or criminals, they ignore police department funding, training and equipment needs, which caused dozens of extra deaths on Friday. Many young members of the Labor Party of Norway’s future generation in progressive politics were gunned down in cold blood on the island.

This may seem cold and cruel to mention at this time…but it’s true. Let’s see how quickly the hypocritical panty-wetters in the Norwegian Labor Party decide to adopt a death penalty. If they don’t, and they decide it really is sufficient to play patty-cake in court with a psycho killer who killed their own children…then Norway is truly lost.

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