Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gee, I wonder what this Democrat official was going to do with the personal information of 228,000 Medicaid recipients?

Monday, April 23, 2012
Gee, I wonder what this Democrat official was going to do with the personal information of 228,000 Medicaid recipients?

Kids, can you say "vote fraud"?

Columbia, SC (WLTX) - State Law Enforcement Division agents have arrested a man they say transferred thousands of confidential state Medicaid records to his personal email account.

Christopher Lykes, 36, of Swansea is charged with five counts of medically indigent act confidentiality violation and one count of disclosure of confidential information... The agency revealed Thursday that 228,435 Medicaid records were taken since January... The documents included names, phone numbers, addresses, birth dates, Medicaid ID numbers and in some cases Social Security numbers.

According to SLED, at least one other party received this data from Lykes. It has not been made public yet who this third party was.

Oh. Did I mention this?

...News 19 discovered a connection between Lykes and two Richland County [Democrat] lawmakers, Sen. Joel Lourie and Sen. Darrell Jackson.

...Lykes has also served as an executive committeeman of the Lexington County Democratic Party.

Well, knock me over with a feather. A Democrat. Involved with vote fraud? Say it ain't so!

It gets better. There was also an attempted -- and, predictably, bungled -- coverup by Democrat Party officials:

...According to the Republican Party, Dick Harpootlian and his liberal minions “scrubbed” the official S.C. Democratic Party website of Lykes’ name. An April 18 screencapture shows Lykes as a Lexington Democratic Party Executive Committee contact, but his name is missing from an April 19 screencapture. Lykes was arrested on April 18.

...Lexington County Democratic Party chair Kathryn Hensley notes that Lykes had been an active member of the Lexington County Dems. Lykes previously served as a precinct officer, but Hensley says he no longer holds that position.

Every time I think Democrats have hit bottom with their vote fraud efforts -- from ACORN to Eric Holder's despicable attacks on voter ID -- I find out that bottom is a relative term.

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