Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Training: Their Target is the Tea Party

Apr 23rd, 2012
by TMH - NoisyRoom.Net

Photo by Julie Dermansky at The Atlantic

By AJ:

Hundreds of OWS training workshops took place this month throughout the country, in all 50 states, including small rural areas. Inside one of the training workshops, attendees report that OWS is “specifically instructed to go to any and all Tea Party gatherings, rallies, etc., to be confrontational and create havoc and disruption.”

They are being trained to recruit and enlarge their numbers in their assigned geographic locations, to use the correct messaging, to incite any opponents, engage in confrontation, employ tactics to evade police blockades and create gridlock.

OWS workshops are extremely organized and clearly well funded. Each workshop had a trainer, DVD’s, handouts and a training manual.

OWS has deep pockets and they will be providing food, water, entertainment and more… just as we saw last Fall with the gourmet meals, tents, hotel rooms and printing presses for their newspapers.

OWS is not a grassroots movement, as demonstrated by the training, resources and coordination at their workshops. OWS is orchestrated and organized by George Soros’ MoveOn.org and Media Matters, Van Jones, Steve Lerner, Francis Fox-Piven, Barack Obama, Union leaders (e.g. SEIU, AFL/CIO, UAW), Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and other radical far-left anti-American organizations who are dedicated to the destruction of our free market system and the overthrow of our Constitutional form of government.

Eric Holder, Barack Obama, the Democrat Party – including the Marxist/Communist members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus – and the news and print media are all in bed with OWS. Ordinary Americans cannot and should not expect that OWS will be held accountable for inciting riots, raping women (as they did the last time around) or for any other crimes they may commit.

Recall that under the Obama administration the New Black Panthers have not been held accountable for the crimes they have committed, union thugs have escaped their crimes, the Muslim Brotherhood is now welcomed into our White House, drug cartels and vicious gangs are aided and abetted by Obama’s Fast & Furious gun program, and on and on, so all indicators point to the top coming down on patriotic Americans, not those who commit crimes against them.

The “community organizer” front groups that finance and orchestrate OWS operations want riots to occur. Remember what Van Jones revealed… “Bottom Up” riots will enable the “Top Down” enforcement against innocent by-standers in order to turn our country “Inside Out” and give Obama the crisis he wants.

Manufacturing chaos via OWS will enable Obama to declare a National Emergency and invoke the unconstitutional powers he has amassed through Executive Order and recent legislation designed to transform our country. Indefinite detainment of Americans without charge or trail, suspending the Constitution and ushering in their new totalitarian form of government, taking over more industries and seizing more of our money and property… that is their goal… to transform our way of life and end Liberty as we know it.

Unless OWS is confronted by strong local police enforcement and city officials, they will create the crisis that will not go to waste by the Obama administration, his all-powerful Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and his brown shirts who will act as his Civilian National Security Force that’s just as strong, just as powerful and just as well-funded as our military.


Bring at least one additional person with you – someone who was not planning to attend the Tea Party gathering. If everyone brings just one extra person, you instantly double the size of your group. There’s power in numbers.
Do not engage with any OWS group or member who appears to be looking for a fight because that is exactly what they want you to do; it plays right into their plan to create chaos and/or riots.
Stay cool, calm and collected. It’s critical to keep in mind that they are extremely well trained, funded and organized. Although there are far more of us than them, their organizational strength, training, tactics, hateful hearts and loud mouths give them the advantage. So again, do not fall into their trap and do not engage because they will undoubtedly be pushing for it.
Have video cameras rolling.
If OWS escalates, move your group to an alternate location to avoid OWS as much as possible. Do not travel alone – stay as a group. If OWS follows your group, ask police to help you move to another location away from the OWS harassment and if law enforcement is nowhere in sight and the situation feels threatening, call 911. You’ll have your video footage as evidence that you were peacefully assembling and they’ll see what OWS was doing to you.
Be prepared, watch each other’s backs, stay together and stay safe.

Know that OWS creators, leaders and financiers are targeting Americans who want to restore and preserve our Constitutional Republic. Their plan is bottom up, top down and inside out. They intend to protect and promote their “Dear Leader” Obama and silence voices of opposition until the totalitarian transformation is complete. But we’re onto them and we outnumber them. Good must triumph over evil.

Reference: American Bolsheviks – The Second Act

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