Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jackson Hole: The only 'shock and awe' will be coming from the Rocky mountains, not the Fed

All eyes are on Ben Bernanke as central bankers gather for the annual Jackson Hole summit, as expectations grow of more 'shock and awe' stimulus from the US Federal Reserve.

A second round of QE was announced by Ben Bernanke two years ago at Jackson Hole. Photo: Bloomberg News

By Richard Blackden
6:44PM BST 27 Aug 2012

Telegraph.UK - 'Shock and awe' is the shorthand commonly used to describe the Federal Reserve's response to the financial crisis.

Chastised for failing to spot it was coming in 2007, America's central bank quickly embarked on a series of policies designed to show it meant business in easing the crisis and preventing a repeat of the Great Depression.

Interest rates were dropped to close to zero in the autumn of 2008. Two rounds of quantitative easing followed that saw the Fed print more than $2 trillion (£1.3 trillion) to buy US government debt and mortgage-backed bonds in a further effort to lower interest rates and stimulate demand in the economy.

The second round of QE was announced by Fed chief Ben Bernanke two years ago at an annual gathering of the central banking fraternity in the resort of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Framed by the Grand Teton mountaina, and positioned near Yellowstone National Park, tourists flock to Jackson Hole to wonder at the natural version of 'shock and awe' that the mountains offer.

This week, though, investors around the world are waiting to see if Bernanke uses this year's gathering to unleash another does of the monetary 'shock and awe'.

Expectations that a fresh round of stimulus is coming were sharpened last week when minutes of this month's meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee - the Fed's equivalent of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee - said they were ready to do more "fairly soon" unless the US economy improved. After an encouraging first quarter in which more than half a million Americans found jobs, growth has flagged.

But with Bernanke set to deliver his Jackson Hole speech on Friday, some economists caution that it may not offer a repeat of August 2010.

Then, the central bank was far more worried about the threat of deflation, or a broad fall in prices across the economy.

What is more, the data from the world's largest economy has broadly improved since the members of the FOMC last assembled in Washington on July 31 and August 1. Job growth strengthened in July, the housing market is showing further evidence of recovery and consumer confidence climbed this month.

"After last week's minutes people jumped to the conclusion that the Fed is just going to fire up the printing presses again," said Carl Riccadonna, an economist at Deutsche Bank. "We don't think they will."

However, even those who believe expectations for what Bernanke will say at Jackson Hole have run too far, acknowledge that many of the senior officials at the Fed are itching to do more for an economy that saw unemployment climb to 8.3pc in July.

Unlike the Bank of England and the European Central Bank, the Fed is tasked with creating economic conditions to deliver employment growth as well as low inflation. "There are many on the committee (FOMC) who feel like they are not doing enough," said Mike Gapen, an economist at Barclays who used to work at the Fed.

Over the last four years, Bernanke has become skilled at handling the expectations of financial markets. Friday's eagerly-anticipated speech is likely to repeat the promise that the bank is poised to do more without spelling out exactly what.

It will be when America's interest-rate setters swap the inspiring backdrop of the Rockies for a more prosaic boardroom at the Fed's headquarters in Washington at their meeting on September 12 that their real headache will begin.

Having established a reputation for 'shock and awe', economists say that the ammunition the Fed has left to help the economy is running dry. The most likely option at September's meeting is to tell investors, consumers and companies that interest rates will be held at very low levels for even longer than the 2014 deadline it is already committed to. It may be helpful at the margin in encouraging investment but its effect will be limited.

This month's minutes showed the Fed is considering a third round of quantitative easing, with policymakers arguing that doing it on a "large scale" could lift consumer and business confidence. But, again, Bernanke faces a far trickier landscape than when the first two rounds of QE were launched in 2009 and 2010.

Unlike then, many of the severest headwinds facing the US are beyond the Fed's control. "It is the uncertainty over the fiscal cliff in the US and Europe's debt crisis that is really hurting," says Priya Misra, a strategist in New York at Bank of America. The bank predicts the Fed will introduce a third, $600bn programme of QE before the end of the year.

Bernanke admitted in June that a third round of QE will be subject to "diminishing returns". It is a view that an increasing number of investors subscribe to. If the world's most powerful central banker can no longer deliver the 'shock and awe' that suited during a period of crisis, he must hope that governments in Europe and in the US quickly find the right mix of policies to foster growth and trim debt.

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