Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Obama Says, "If You Elect Me Again I Will Compromise With Republicans." I Laughed For 20 Minutes.

Posted on Tuesday August 28, 00:12:10 GMT-0400 2012 by Armaggedon

(Free Republic) Obama the dictator who rules America with unconstitutional executive orders, must think he is some god who can create truth from fiction. The world according to Obama is an insane asylum with the inmates running the place.

Obama has gathered together a collection of people so controled by hate, lies and devisiveness, that they will believe anything the Liar in Chief says. Obama uses black magic spirits of fear and greed to poison the hearts of those he seeks to control. Has Obama bought enough souls to get him re-elected? We shall see. It is up to us to prove we are not bought by Obama. Obama has spent hundreds of millions to spread his filthy lies all over America. We must focus our efforts to make sure we get Republicans elected and not let ourselves be split by trolls bearing lies.

Right now Romney, Ryan have a great opportunity to defeat Obama. We must stay focused in what works now and get the word out. Let us shine the light of truth for America to see and respond. We know the blind will believe the blind and will follow Obama a prince among liars into the ditch. We still have vision and we must be leaders in preserving our freedom. We all have work to do for our beloved America.

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