Thursday, July 17, 2014

"Steal American": Ford, Chevy, Dodge trucks top list of prefered vehicles of smugglers


Police: Drug cartels paying up to $2,000 for stolen cars

To smuggle drugs, weapons or humans across the border, criminals need not only disregard for the law, but also spacious vehicles.
That's why in the Valley pick-ups are the most commonly stolen vehicles.
San Benito Police Department Investigator Rogelio Banda said the most stolen models are the Ford, Chevy and Dodge pick-ups.
"We can link it pretty much to the demand that's going on across the border," he added.
According to the Texas Crime Analysis Report, these same models also top the state’s most stolen vehicles list, and those numbers peak in July.
Banda said, right now, organized criminals are paying $2,000 for each pick-up.
“Something like diesel trucks, sports utility vehicles they have more power, better acceleration - different things that will help these criminals get away from law enforcement," Banda said.
Once a vehicle is reported stolen, a lookout goes to all law enforcement agencies, including those at border crossings. But these auto thieves often work so fast – in matter of minutes Banda said - by the time the notice is out - the vehicle is already in Mexico.
“Now how fast can we get that vehicle back? That's still unknown,” Banda said.
That's why police warn vehicle owners need to be smart about protecting their ride especially during summer.
"Of course having good insurance to avoid any issues down the road, having an alarm system can help (and) some of the mechanical devices such as the club (can help protect your vehicle).”
When there's a payout waiting on the other side, Banda said, these criminals are willing to take your vehicle from just about anywhere if you're not careful.
"Any large parking area - shopping center, movie theatre, restaurants -  those are areas that these particular individuals target,” Banda said.

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