Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dylan Grice Explains Why He Likes Gold, And Why $7,500/Oz Makes A Gold Standard Possible

What would you like to ask the Obama Administration?

California City Hires $3,000-Per-Week Spokesman After Issuing Massive Layoffs

Obama: Actively Helping to Advance the Islamists' Agenda

GAO Report Outlines Individual Mandate Alternatives (Even after Supremes, Commiecare™ can survive)

Tripoli Shock: Minders Snatch 'Rape Victim'

Ground Operation In Libya Could Start In April - Russian Intelligence

California Lawsuit Alleges FBI Violation of Muslim Rights

Imperfect Justice in Snyder v. Phelps

Why Anti-Israel Incitement and Terrorism from the PA, PLO, and Fatah Continues

Iowa school shooting drill canceled after threat

Clash for America’s soul continues apace

Union Organizer Stephen Lerner Defends His Plan To Crash The Stock Market

Two birds, one stone: US “exits” Libya, and has been out of Afghanistan since 2006

Uzbekistan: Christians Detained

Malkin: The Weiner Waiver Wormhole

South Florida man who kept sex slave for decades sentenced to 30 years

NRA boss unveils shocking news on radio

Should Obama be playing golf during crisis?

Thoughts On The Liberty Dollar Debacle

As the World Burns

State police want to arrest judge who refused to sign arrest warrant

Glenn Beck Show Hilariously Mocks Alex Jones Fawning Over Charlie Sheen

Obama’s U.N. Debacle - The Obama administration’s big hopes of reforming the Human Rights

Do-gooders in a land with no good guys[KINETIC IN KUFRA]

The State of Dysfunction

Obama's Consigliere

U.S. Military Satellites Achieve 'Holy Grail' of Missile Defense

A Big Pot of Gold in Libya Could Finance Gadhafi's Long War

The Unseen Hand: Saudi Arabian Involvement in Yemen

Prime Minister warns of new Lockerbie

Fruits from the Tree of Malice

Pretending to boost drilling

UAW Plans Suicide Bombing of Economy (target foreign carmakers assembling in US)

Feds May Act if Florida Stalls on Health-Reform Law

Steven Lerner's :: WAKE UP CALL FOR AMERICA!

Saudi prince is behind disputed LA mega-mansion

When law becomes a lottery

Historic parliamentary defeat marks start of federal election battle (Canada)

The Real Shirley Sherrod Scandal

Army accused of covering up mistakes in Afghan battle

Senate OKs concealed weapons bill(ND,MN)

Deputies seek protection after threatening family(AZ)

West being suckered by Arab League

The Struggle to Control the Internet

And the Beat-Down Goes On

The Obama Spending Video. Go ahead and watch. You'll enjoy it.

New Gun Laws Possible in Nevada

Toward the Rise of an Islamic Caliphate?

NRA (2nd Amendment) and FMA (1st Amendment) call a truce.(FL)

Worsening Our Fiscal Nightmare

Confidence in Obama at Rock Bottom

How high up does ‘Project Gunrunner’ go?

Democrat Front Group Goes Soviet on 1st Amendment

92 per cent of USAID projects go to US NGOs

Kinetic Military Action

Elizabeth Taylor Stood Up for Israel

Gov. Walker's Legislation has Unions Caving Already

Obama’s Monetary Policy: Stick It to the Middle Class

Obama says he didn't know of fed op smuggling guns into Mexico

Muslims beat, stomp effigy of Obama in protest...

Fears rise that Japan could sell off U.S. debt

WH defends embrace of GE's CEO

Consumers have beef with Fed; Blame inflation on printing money

Fed eyes jacking up interest rates

AZ moves closer to flat tax on income

Fla. lawmakers go after automatic union dues deduction

Pledge of Allegiance Returns to NYC School After Parents Complain Daughter Has no Idea What it Is Education

Students struggle on fitness test

The war-monger behind Libya?

Gov. Brown slashes services for poor, sick and elderly

Senator Barack Obama in 2007: Americans ‘Have a Right to Know’ Before Government Takes Military Action

The new Arab awakening

Federal judge to seniors: take Medicare or lose Social Security

Census 2010 Offers Portrait of America in Transition

More opt for low-cost coverage

Obama: We're Succeeding in Libya, But As for My NCAA Picks, Not So Much

U.S. Postal Service cutting 7,500 managers

Obama Is Awesome!

FDIC "Cash for Keys" Proposal Would Pay Underwater Homeowners $21,000 to Walk Away; In Prison for Taking a Liar Loan

Progressive Goon Squad Displaying New Civility

MTV ‘Teen Mom’ Star Jenelle Evans Caught Brutally Beating Britany

Blogger kills kiddie porn "art exhibit" at KMA

War on Libya: Rebels Regain Ajdabiya.

Biden : Paying Taxes is Patriotic (?)

Farrakhan: Obama 'the First Jewish President'


What exactly does a Technorati ranking mean?

Connecticut Hearing On Bill Requiring Confiscation Of Firearms Magazines Holding More Than 10 Rounds

Taliban Impressed By Kids Acting Like Them

The Massacre in Sanamen today

Obama's America: Jobs Fair Canceled Due to Lack of Jobs


Peaceful Democracy Activist Gets 10 Year Sentence In China

Hazelwood, Missouri Closes Down a Girl Scout Cookie Stand: Misery Nazi's Stop Girls from Selling Cookies at Home

Target Is Suing Desperate Homosexual Group Lurking Outside its Stores

Ohio bill would ban stimulus signs on roads

MI Rep Fred Upton slams ObamaCare, EPA illegally uses taxpayer $ $$ to slam Fred Upton

Communist Call Center

The Wisconsin Republican Party uses Open Records Law to get emails written by the Wisconsin professor William Cronon.

Syrians have awaken: Demonstration in Damascus today

Ozark School Board Candidate Resorts to Name Calling of Those Who Oppose the IB: Ryan Maddox Proves Why He Isn't Prepared for the School Board

Video of Andrew Klavan: PBS Exposed! Hidden Camera Rocks Sesame Street

Russian News: Obama Weakens Miranda Rights

Wilson Research: Palin Really “Losing Ground”? Greatest Asset “Middle Class Who Elected Conservatives In 2010”

At the Planned Parenthood rally, Meade's conversation with Brett Hulsey is aborted.

Strange What Gets Them Excited In Wisconsin

Wedge Between The United States And Saudi Arabia?

Home Invader Killed By Florida Beauty Queen Wielding Pink .38

The Muslim World and the Left Turn on Barack Obama

Tearing down the picture of the Grand Butcher Hafez in Homs

Dueling Headlines That Ought To Scare The Hell Out Of Any Thinking Person

Darren Gil - Former ATF Attache To Mexico - Part II

Tory Majority Best Punishment for Coalition

"Responsibility to Protect" - The End of National Sovereignty As We Know It?

Obama Reverses Himself … Twice

'If We Cut Emissions Today, Global Temperatures Are Not Likely to Drop for About a Thousand Years'

Japan Earthquake: Two Weeks Later

Kwame Kilpatrick admits to one-night stand with federal police monitor

Authorities impose news blackout on crackdown in Deraa

What Needs To Be Said About What Needs To Be Done

Former CBo Director: Obama's Actions are "Unprecedented" Compared to Other Presidents

An Open Letter to Ryan Maddox, Candidate for Ozark, Missouri School Board

Video- Libya vs. Iraq: An Excellent Comparison Between the Two Wars

Free Speech as an Extension of Property Rights

A sign of the times? Luxury doomsday bunker sales explode! (Video)

Muslim Brotherhood Seizes Control of Egyptian Revolution

Guess who is surprised by the radicalization of the Democratic Party?

Tawakul Karman, a Yemeni activist, provides thorn in side for Saleh

NFL Players vs.Slaves: A Real Photo Finish

"Rave On" — a new Bloggingheads with me and Bob Wright.

Has Anyone Ever Said It Better?

Stephen Harper gets no confidence vote in Canada

Video: Manatee Just Can’t Stop

Over 4 Million Move Their Accounts From Wall Street Banks in 2010

Demo Sen. Frank Lautenberg: Planned Parenthood Opponents "Don't Deserve the Freedoms That Are in the Constitution"

Once Basketball is Done This Weekend, Obama Will Get Around to Mentioning Libya to the Public

CBO Says Taxing-By-The-Mile is an 'Efficient' Way to Raise Revenue

Video: Obama's 'birth hospital' hides White House letter

Google Library Case Loss May Spur Demands for Antitrust Probe

The Violent History of Unions

Asian Population Fastest Growing Race in the Last Decade, New U.S. Census Figures Show

Khadafy Son Enjoyed Recent Tour of U.S. Military Facilities

The Long Arm of Iran

Jesuits to pay $166M to settle sex abuse claims

Pass It On, Part 4: Middle East

Sharia Rules for All

Great News: Al Qaeda Helping Themselves To Missiles in Libya


Well, Isn't that Nice: Carter to go to Cuba

Not a Mandatory Curriculum Doesn't Get You Out of Paying Taxes for the International Baccalaureate

The Price of Taxing the Rich

This President Loves Spending

Help Take Down the Third Intifada Facebook Page

Earn a Degree Overseas

Vote in Our Poll: Do you support the US bombing Libya?

Carbapenem Resistant Klebsiella Pneumonia~The Next Super Bug?

Quote du jour

Dumb: Poll Concludes That Church-Goers More Likely to Be Obese

Next Libya, then Kenya

Obama Invested in Company That Got Sweet Deal From FCC

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/25/2011

More Dueling Headlines That Ought To Scare The Hell Out Of Any Thinking Person

Happy Alpha Proxima Day!

Video: British Airstrikes on Libyan Tanks

Haley Barbour drinks the Kool-Aid

FBI Still Investigating Fraudulent Eckersley E-Mail Which May Implicate Congressman Long

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Right Amount

Radical leftists plan to squat in houses, Introducing MORE (ACORN) Again: Reboot Congress

Speaking of property

Who is Samantha Power?

Israel intercepts hidden Gaza bound chinese missiles

AT&T's T-Mobile Acquisition Should Not Be Exploited to Force Net Neutrality

The WH's Man Made Energy Crisis

Appeals Court Fast-Tracks Obamacare Challenge

Union Uses Images of OK City Bombing in Ads

TEA Party Movement Growing Weary of GOP Budget Plan

Breitbart: Courts an Instrument of Leftist Thuggary

Republicans Shouldn't Take TEA Party for Granted

Big Brother is Tracking You

G.E Turns a 14.2 Billion Dollar Profit... Claims a 3.2 Billion Dollar Tax Credit!

Yet Another Scheme to Fleece (and Monitor) Americans: A Tax on “Miles Driven”

U.S. Durable Goods Orders "Unexpectedly" Fell In February

Death Rate Per Watts Produced

Copyright Troll Opens Doors To Mass Reposting

Politico: No point giving money to Democrats — they don’t stay bought.

The Enemy You Know is Better than the Enemy You Refuse to Know

Myanmar Earthquake: 4,000 Fishermen Missing After Last Week’s Storms

Obama is Leading Us Into Post-American World

Samantha Power's Activist Role

The Current Truth About Socialism and The Unions

Should US Flag Be Banned in American Schools?

Moonbat Tech: The Lib Lid

The Worst Thing About ObamaCare

Tea Party in the Belly of the Moonbat Beast

Threatened With Death for Finding a Link Between Islam and Evil

When Is a War Not a War?

2012 Polling Update: GOP Pack Bunched Closely; Trump Moving Up in Polls

Obama to Russia: Why, Of Course I'll Hand Over the Secrets of US Anti-Ballistic-Missile Technology

A Month Ago Obama Pressured Congress for $1.7 Million in Funding for Qaddafi’s Military

Giant US Corporation Paid Zero in Taxes Last Year

Collective Bargaining neither a Privilege nor a Right

Texas House Passes Voter ID Bill

UK: Muslims deface war memorial, again

The SEIU, Illegals & ‘Human Trafficking’

The Racist Revolt in Libya

UAW’s King Recruits Global Activists to Assault Foreign Automakers

Pro-Life Pregnancy Center In New York City Is Destroyed

Beck’s Ratings Bounce Back

Socialist Worker's Party off to Egypt

Communists Re-emerge as Major Players in Egypt

Must See! Glenn Beck Connects the Dots – Soros, Samantha Power, Cass Sunstein, Israel, Libya, Egypt, Obama – Scary Stuff

“A Disconnect With Reality So Profound That It Verges On Mental Illness”

Union Man by Glen Shulfer (lyircs,song & video)

Video: How To Debate ObamaCare

Remember How the FBI Pinned the Post-9/11 Anthrax Case on a Government Researcher Three Weeks After He Committed Suicide?,

National Review Symposium on the Constitutionality of the Libya Intervention

ACLU: 'Communism is the Goal'

Video: Herman Cain remembers segregation

Syria cracks down on protesters, over 100 dead

Iowa terror drill portrays immigration foes as killers

2,200 ground troops headed to region

MYSPACE loses 10 million users -- in a month

Bahraini activists prepare for Friday Day of Rage...

‘Cop-on-Cop Confrontation’ in Philly Suburb

Who locked Obama out of the White House?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Palestine and the Egyptian revolution: a view from Gaza

Billy Long's Buddy Peter King Gives Obama the Ultimate Green Light to Start Wars Anywhere

Detroit lost SO much population that it is now ILLEGAL for it to collect city income tax!

War on Libya: French Shoot Down Libyan Warplane

The New Affirmative Action.... for White Males?

65 Million Job Seekers Need Not Apply

Two Weeks Until George Soros Officially Begins Playing Mad Scientist With the Global Economy

Endgame: Divide, rule and get the oil

Civil disobedience event — at the Wisconsin Capitol, beginning in 10 minutes.

Obama Faces Uphill Battle in Ohio

Obama Energy Sec Chu admits solar and wind not economically feasible until... 2030!

Scare in the air over Reagan National Airport (Audio of pilots)

North Korean Delegation in the U.S. to Learn Market System


Obama Encouraging Brazil to Drill for Oil, While Preventing Drilling in the U.S.

ReasonTV: LA Food Police Ban Burger Joints: Is Your City Next?

Obama Panders to Muslims

Watcher’s Council Nominations – Libyan Switcheroo Edition

Obama on Jerusalem Bombing: I'm Sorry that Israel kills Palestinians

War Monger Obama Defiantly States "I'm Keeping My Nobel Peace Prize"

Obama Lies: Said No Ground Troops Would Be In Libya; Today 2,000 Marines Are On Ground In Libya

Defining General Welfare in the United States Constitution

Female Egyptian Protestors forced to undergo virginity tests

Great Moments In The History of Mohammed

Should Obama Be Impeached Over Act of War?

This is what democracy looks like — in Madison, Wisconsin — as Meade seeks access to our assemblyman, Brett Hulsey.

Terror attacks make Israeli hospitals crucial

Youtube Falsifies View Count On Joe Biden 'Hypocricy' Video

DEFINITELY No Communists In Wisconsin!

Thursday humor courtesy of Obama and late-night comedians

Congressional Socialists Want to Raise Taxes on the Rich

Socialist Labor Boss "We Have Never Had a President as Friendly Toward Labor"

Where’s Julia?

ABC Parrots Rudd’s Warming Views

Rally Photo Gallery

Obama Admits To Consulting Top Socialist on Immigration

Allen West Handles a CAIR Supporter

Yemen: Emergency Law Does Not Trump Basic Rights

The road from Sidi Bouzid to Algiers

Former SEIU Official Caught On Tape Plotting To Crash Stock Market; Name Appears On White House Visitor Roll

Cost Conscious Terrorism

The resistance has foundered on its own indiscipline and farcical ineptitude

Typical: Union Boss Blames Budget Cuts for Worker Negligence in Child's Death

U.S. vs Canada: Homicide Modi Operandi

Sharia compliant: Obama's DOJ sues Chicago school for not letting Muslim teacher leave for 3 WEEKS to go to Mecca

Beck - More on Economic Sabotage and Middle East Troubles

Radical Governor Threatens Government Shutdown

The Brown Truck of Happiness

There's No Such Thing As A Free American Dream

The Worst Thing For Obama About Trump On The View

Despite Recent "He-Covery," It's Still a Mancession

Video: Arizona Democrat Senator reads letter accusing US of stealing Mexican land

Wikileaks Claims A Scalp

US Census Bureau: America Set to be an Overpacked Third-World Dump by 2060

Collective bargaining turns Teachers into Teamsters

A Look at Obama's Approval Ratings

The Roles Have Changed: America Didn't Approve of NAZI Germany's Imperialism, and Now Germany Doesn't Like the American Empire Machine

Liberalism: Unsafe at Any Speed

Democrats' Tyranny of the Minority

Testify against subsidies for illegal immigrants, get racist death threats

VIDEO: Rumsfeld: If you’re wondering who to thank for Gaddafi’s lack of nukes

Dem lawmaker says Supreme Court may nix individual mandate

WHY OBAMACARE remains unpopular

FILE A RECORDS REQUEST, face assassination

Big Dollar Effort To Defend ObamaCare Falls Short

This is War Lite, with No Leadership or Goals

Open Thread: Union worksite

Our Tax System Applied to Beer

Miffed at GOP, Tea Party Group Plans a Capitol Protest

France Takes Lead

Unreported Soros Event Aims to Remake Entire Global Economy

Top 10 Things Obama Never Told You About Obamacare

CAIR Officials Sought Gaddafi Money

Virginia Does Just Fine Without Teacher Unions; Take It National

California School Tries To Ban Boy From Talent Show Because Of A Jesus Song (Video)

Forced Into Medicare

NPR's Rovner: Dependent Constituencies Among the 'Benefits' of ObamaCare

Attend this Conference: Al-Jazeera, Global Jihad and the Suicide of the West

Why hasn’t Judge Sumi recused herself from the Wisconsin lawsuit?

Ex-KKK Grand Dragon, a Democrat, running for mayor of town

US gasoline inventories fall

New Home Sales Plunge; Hit Lowest Level Since Data Tracking Began in 1960s

Leading OBAMACARE Backer Considering Waiver for his City

Bomb sat undiscovered for weeks inside Detroit federal building

Brits cut gas, corporate taxes to spur economy

Woman Tied to 9/11, Fannie Mae on Obama's FBI Shortlist!

$461 million in taxpayer cash to speed train trip between two NC cities -- by 13 minutes

Uncovered: Did the Leftist Encouraging Economic Terrorism Have Access to Obama’s White House?

Blaze Exclusive: Congressman Presses Holder to Investigate ‘Terrorist Plans’ in Bank Plot

The Sound of Silence: Media Ignores Stephen Lerner’s Revolutionary Plan to Bring Down US Economy

Mainstream Media Ignorance Exposed

Ingvar Kamprad — king of IKEA

Unreported Soros Event Aims to Remake Entire Global Economy

Fed and Inflation

Why Did He Even Bother Running? Obama Leadership Vacuum Menaces Globe

Mexican Citizen Indicted for Carjacking

Obama 'birth hospital' hides White House letter

Bogus Comodo SSL Certs Targeted Google, Yahoo In Attack Linked To Iran

Governor Palin Speaks to Sold-out Crowd in Naples, Florida

The Politically Incorrect Earthquake

Virginia black caucus pushes for second minority district (Can you find the racism?)

Illinois teacher pension system nearly $40 billion in the hole

Iowa farmland values shoot up 20 percent in 6 months

Obama, Brazil, The new "inclusive" world order, and Agenda 21

4 in Fla charged with bid to sell Iran jet engines

Brasilia: The Socialists Planned Environmental Disaster

Committee of foreign ministers set to run Libya campaign

Egypt's archaeologists threaten to strike

Military treats S.C. virtual, home school students differently

Bahrain halts Lebanon flights

IDF strikes targets in Gaza in retaliation to rockets

Serbia: Putin pledges continued support against Kosovo independence

Syria moves to crush growing protests

No 'Revolution' for Egypt's Christians

Feds Uncover Sophisticated Drug Smuggling Ring

Danon: If J Street Fights Israel, We'll Fight Back

The Second Time as Farce

Libya: Sarkozy and Cameron, the force is not strong

TSA Union Calls for Immediate Radiation Monitoring at Agency

Dear Reuters, You Must Be Kidding

Saving Energy for Hate Week

4 Times Journalists Held Captive in Libya Faced Days of Brutality

Egypt Air removes Israel from map

The Constitutionality of Military Action Against Libya

Tracking Libya, with eye on fighters Indian forces in market to buy weapons in use

International Support For The Libyan War Is Collapsing

Christian in Bangladesh Goes to Prison for Evangelism

Australia tops index ranking for maintaining strong fiscal balance (US 28th)

Gulf of Tonkin – Government Lies

Conservative Foreign Policy & Reagan's Legacy

‘Honour killing’ dad faces 18 years in prison

US soldier gets 24 years for murders of 3 Afghans

A Modest Proposal to Save the American Economy: Entrepreneurial Blitzkrieg as Job Creation Vehicle

Video: Sean Hannity Finally Goes Full Birther on Fox News

Large fuel fire breaks out at Miami International Airport

Libya - America's New Pass Time Activity

A Former SEIU Official's Plan to Crash America's Financial System

Fukushima faced 14-metre tsunami

As Gasoline Soars, Libyan Rebels Pay 46 Cents a Gallon

Riyadh Scores One for Tehran

Copyright Troll Opens Floodgates to Mass Reposting

Arab countries on the sidelines in Libya campaign

New census milestone: Hispanics to hit 50 million

Saudi Tanks Roll Where Obama Fears To Tread

UK: Inflation could hit 5pc within months, says Bank of England

A president worth a billion dollars? Power of incumbency could strengthen army of donors for 2012

On Birth Issue 'The Donald' Trumps Other Republicans

ACLU v. Religious Liberty

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why does the left hate free speech?

Obama’s Coalition Collapsing, Leading from the Back Not Working

Starbucks CEO Criticizes ObamaCare

Who's Cell Phone Are You Paying For?

Fair Tax vs. the IRS: Debating in Favor of the National Sales Tax

President Obama Has Unmasked Himself

New bill: One arrest to take away 2nd Amendment rights

NJ judge rules money grows on trees

DOJ Memo Confirms Terrorists Have Crossed the Border

Sen. Rand Paul on his nearly $4 trillion budget cut

Good vs.Evil

The Imperial Presidency and Domestic Law

19,000 jobs and a billion plus in wages lost since drilling moratorium

Didn’t FDR execute a few people for doing what this ex-SEIU official is caught on tape espousing?

Gene Simmons: Musicians who boycott Israel are fools

My daughter might not have survived under ObamaCare

Palin-free Dancing With the Stars down 20% in ratings

Jihad attack in Jerusalem

Here’s a Killer Story About Socialized Medicine and Families

Terrible news out of Jerusalem

How China should rule the world

Violence warning in UK as unions plan mass march Sunday

Military training material on gays kissing, behavior

X-KKK Grand Dragon running for mayor of town

BIDEN FLASHBACK: 'If he gives authorization to war without Congressional approval, I will make it my business to impeach him!'

Florida Mayor Knocked Out by Angry Resident During Town Hall

Left Hate Speech: ‘Nazi’ ‘Racist’ La Raza Protesters Shout Down Political Opposition, Stop Arizona Attorney General From Doing Univision Interview

A Little Energy is a Dangerous Thing

Israel May Have To Launch Fresh Operation Against Gaza'

Radiation found in Tokyo water, infants shouldn't drink

Elizabeth Taylor, RIP

Extremely high radiation found in soil [NHK](cesium)

Black Smoke Rising From Japan's Crippled Nuclear Plant (No.3 reactor)

Drilling Ken Salazar

Corporate Welfare

Beyond the Welfare State

US reviewing nuclear arsenal with eye to new cuts

Proposed Bill Allows Employees to Keep Guns in Cars at Work

Christie: N.J. gas stations will remain full-service

Yes, Violence Can be the Answer

6 dead in new clashes in southern Syria city

John Schneider: Author says kids' book on guns offers 'positive message'

America's Accelerating Downward Spiral

Iraq vs. Libya: Obama Takes a Swipe at Bush for… What Exactly?

Texas clears Range in N. Texas water contamination case, EPA stands pat

Natural gas boom helps Gulf petrochemical industry

A Panel Decides Washington State’s Health Care Costs

Haynesville takes the top spot from Barnett {Largest Natural Gas Production}

Sarah Palin's Potentially Inclusive Message In India

India Post Office is selling gold coins like hotcakes

Obama Yesterday: Gaddafi Must Go… Obama Today: Gaddafi Can Stay (Video)

Herman Cain: Many Muslims Want to ‘Kill’ or ‘Convert all Infidels’

Porsche 918 hybrid: Order now for $845,000

Syria: The Revolt Continues (UPDATED)

Breaking; Huffington Post Discovers Media Bias!

Say What? The Silly Things Liberals Say - March 22nd Edition

Proof-of-Eligibility Legislation Update: Arizona Lawmakers Move to Revive 'Birther' Bills

Top 10 Rejected Obama Mission Names

Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart

Obama to Congress: What I Decided in Libya is Constitutional, Even Though I Said it Wasn't

Fight or Flight

Obama Golfs Libya

Mark Dayton: It's time for tax fairness

Libyan air strikes: [UK] Armed Forces minister admits there is no exit strategy

Obama Destroys US Govt, and Promises to Build a New One... in Libya

On Libya, Obama-Supporting Uygur Is Uber-Hypocrite

'Gadhafi Is Facing a Coalition of the Unwilling'

Big Mac

Atheist Throws in Towel: 6-year Campaign vs. Pledge of Allegiance “Over”

Look who's in line to replace Gadhafi

Witnesses take the stand in Chauncey Bailey murder trial {Your Black Muslim Bakery murders}

India Reduces Mission in Libya

Obama Tells El Salvador He's Committed to Amnesty

Bryant ejected from mall in row over droopy pants

UK: Health Bill amounts to 'abolition' of NHS, academic warns

Libya no-fly zone cost could hit $1 bln in months

Minnesota House GOP calls for 12% cuts to state's workforce

Japanese Highway Rebuilt After 4 days!

U.S. Bombs on Libya May Backfire

Muslim supporters protest Villa Park councilwoman { Deborah Pauly }

N. Korea: Cation this Photo

Mayans pray for Obama ahead of visit

N. Korea: Elites and Prols

Fed says 2010 payment to government sets record

Lights Back In Reactor No. 3 Control Room At Stricken Plant

The Anti-Obama Girl

How much radiation is too much radiation?

Northrop to christen (USS) Arlington on Saturday

New Civil War erupts, led by super rich, GOP

Gotta See Jon Stewart: Odyssey Dawn - Unconstitutional War

Gaza militants fire Grad rocket at Be'er Sheva following IDF strike

There is a small war starting along Gaza border

JSF Cost Predictions Rattle Foreign Customers

Obama visits tomb of slain Salvadoran archbishop

Boris Yeltsin's favourite holiday retreat up for sale for £6 million

Republicans Hate Obama (Laughable)

Palin's speech in India solid and under the radar in DC

Obama's War on the Middle Class

Global Unions: A Solution to Labor’s Worldwide Decline

Anyone Want to Connect the Petro-Dots?

Arlington National Cemetery Struggles With Plot Reservations

Fonda no longer welcome to speak at Nashua CC event

Holder announces safety initiative after rise in officer deaths (Black Panthers not mentioned)

Obama seeks to break impasse over Libya

Public Employees Rush to Retire

Fighting Spending Cuts in Ohio, NYT Focuses on Union Jobs, Not $8B Deficit .

Arizona teacher in middle of immigration debate

Combat in Ivory Coast: Christians Are Being Annihilated

Libya: Navy running short of Tomahawk missiles (Royal Navy

Liberals: Useless Idiots

Enough of this Albany malpractice

Fighting words between European allies overshadow Libyan mission

Camp Lejeune Marines To Libya

Tea Party darling Rep. Bachmann a force on the Hill

Senate to hold hearings on Muslims' rights

U.S. Role in Libya Already Costs Hundreds of Millions (With no money to pay for it)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011