Saturday, February 26, 2011

Is it time to have the impeachment discussion?

Drudge threw up the flashing blue and red light Friday afternoon — Newt Gingrich said the words “Obama” and “impeachment”. The reaction to it lit a flicker of hope in the hearts of many Americans. That someone with national stature has finally, finally, said aloud what we’ve thinking too: What more does Obama have to do before someone — anyone — takes up impeachment proceedings against him?

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV Friday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said President Barack Obama’s decision not to fully enforce the Defense of Marriage law eventually could lead to a constitutional crisis, as he has directly violated his constitutional duties by arbitrarily suspending a law.

Gingrich even suggested that, if a “President Sarah Palin” had taken a similar action, there would have been immediate calls for her impeachment. Asked directly whether President Obama could be subject to articles of impeachment, Gingrich said, “I think that’s something you get to much later. But I think clearly it is a dereliction of duty. Clearly it’s a violation of his constitutional oath. Clearly it is not something that can be allowed to stand.”

Later this evening, a friend urged me to read an article at the American Thinker.

I’m so upset over this. Be sure to read some of the comments too. And please, if you’re concerned as I am, share with your email friends. You will not hear much, if anything, about this on the lamestream media. And write your Congressmen. is a good site to use.

Richard N. Weltz’ Obama Completes His Trifecta lists several Constitutional violations by Obama and his corrupt Department of Justice under AG Eric Holder. Weltz ends the piece asking, “What are we gonna do about it?”

Notable examples in the scant couple of years The One has been in office include: refusal to enforce voting laws against intimidation at the polls in Chicago, efforts to use the regulatory functions of the EPA to circumvent the specific legislation of Congress to ban cap-and-trade, refusal to enforce immigration laws, and attempts by the FCC to regulate matters banned from its jurisdiction by law.

We need not even mention the undemocratic parliamentary tactics and outright bribery used by Obama and his allies to ram through the unpopular and clearly unconstitutional ObamaCare bill — without it even having been read by most Congress members.

On the judiciary side, we witness the executive ignoring a Federal Court ruling on ObamaCare’s unconstitutionality, the refusal — to the point where an order of compliance had to be issued from the bench — to refrain from imposing an illegal moratorium on oil drilling; and, now the clearest and most blatant power grab of all. Obama has arrogated to himself, in the matter of DOMA, the power to declare that law unconstitutional and order his Justice Department not to contest lawsuits challenging it.

In the meantime, while usurping and/or undercutting the legitimate powers and functions of the other two branches, in the three areas for which the Executive does have power and responsibility — faithfully executing the laws, conducting foreign policy, and commanding the armed forces — this megalomaniacal narcissist has proven a spectacular failure.

What have we allowed to happen to the American concept of separation of powers? Are we abandoning this unique and hallowed concept for a tinpot dictatorship dressed up in a fancy suit and fancy oratory? Where and how do we stop this train to ruination?

The growing public mood to impeach was evident in the comments:

This is a good summary list of charges for impeachment. I believe this President will be impeached. The future of the Democrat party is at stake in 2012. IF the economy dives any further (which it is) and continued Chaos around the world. It will drive Obama’s numbers into the toilet. Throw in the lack of a birth certificate (state verification) and the Democrats will be looking for a way to rid themselves of OBama.

What you have described is the case for impeachment – the facts are clear – high crimes and misdemeanors everywhere. Perhaps the readers of AT or members of the Tea Party, or (perish the thought) our elected Republican representatives could start that ball rolling. I don’t know what else this administration needs to do (or fail to do) before someone calls them out very loudly and very publicly! The time to throw PC under the bus has long since passed. I’ve written to my Senators and Congressman – have you? Who’s with me? Let’s roll . . . . . it could make the months leading up to Nov 2012 very interesting.

Enough. Time (PAST time) to impeach. So, other than contacting our representatives, how can we stop the lawlessness and get this imposter out?

We need someone with guts to challenge this power grab and bring Hussein up on impeachment charges. If anything warranted impeachment, conviction, removal and prosecution, this does!

Preferred option: Impeach Obama. Odds of Success: Virtually nil. What else? Boycott all liberal media. Cancel subscriptions to meanstream print media. Drive ratings down on liberal tv media. Liberal media is the fuel of indoctrination for the brain-washed masses. Stop the liberal media. It will jam up the liberal-left momentum.

Uncoverage wrote about it too, with updates:

Update: Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) says Congress will vote to cut or defund the Justice Dept. until it follows the law

Update: Even the liberal MSNBC says Obama’s decision to ignore DOMA is a legal “backfire”

Update: Even the liberal New York Times questions the political wisdom of Obama’s decision

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