As payback to the teachers', police, prison, and firefighters' unions largely responsible for his election, socialist Governor Jerry Brown vows to pick the pockets of California taxpayers, and tells cheering unions "You've Got a Friend".
Bloomberg reports, Brown May Take $11 Billion California Tax Extension to Voters
California Governor Jerry Brown said he’s willing to gather signatures for a voter initiative to extend $11 billion in expiring tax increases, blocked by Republican lawmakers, in order to balance the state’s budget.
Brown got a standing ovation yesterday at the California State Parent Teacher Association’s convention in Long Beach when he said he would not support reduced spending on schools.
“I want you to know you’ve got a friend, an ally and a partner as we go forward together,” he said. Leaving the podium, he held up a sign he was handed that read, “Cuts Hurt Kids.”
Unions Hurt Kids
Cuts won't hurt kids, but unions sure do. Via tactics of coercion, bribery, and threats, unions have achieved enormous power for their own self-serving mission, to the detriment of everyone but the politicians whose votes they buy.
Here are a couple of YouTube videos to consider. I could easily come up with dozens more.
Give up the Bucks (VIDEO)
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