Sunday, August 7, 2011


As one who has been trying for some time to persuade people that Obama is driven by a deep-seated, long-standing desire towards changing the founding principles of this nation, it's encouraging to see so many people finally seeing through all of his hope and change rhetoric. I suspect we are reaching the point of diminishing returns -- most of the voters who may have been reluctant to accept this truth, have now seen enough flashes of Obama's inner-Socialist and have accepted it as fact.

The more dangerous revelation (as demonstrated by the recent debate, and failure to curtail our lethal addiction to credit and fiat currency), is the vast constituency of Americans who are now dependent upon it, and therefore unwilling to admit to Obama's malignant intent, and that of their handlers (in the Democratic party and the media), who appear to share Obama's animus towards "all things American".

A few simple examples:

1. To demand that individuals prove their citizenship in order to register to vote is deemed by Progressives as an attempt to disenfranchise "the poor and the vulnerable".

2. Asserting the right of hard-working private citizens to keep at least half of the income they earn, no matter what the total amount (while paying the remainder in taxes), is equated to stealing from those who pay no taxes at all.

3. Refusal to acquiesce to Obama's demand for an additional $2.4-Trillion in debt, on top of the $14.3-trillion already crushing the foundations of our economy, is demonized as an "act of terrorism" against our country, by those who (coincidentally) depend upon that systemic abuse of our credit and currency for their livelihoods.

These Orwellian perversions of the secular principles which have, until now, defined this country, are already embraced by a significant plurality of American voters, and threaten to achieve majority status in the not too distant future, fueled in large part by the recent extension of an incomprehensibly large amount of new credit.

I wonder what it will take to persuade those who have accepted these false promises, that they are not, and never have been sustainable in the real world? Why are so many Americans willing to bet their future on money which has never been earned, was in some cases created out of thin-air, and will never be paid back? The answers will determine the future of this country, probably before the end of this decade.

My own understanding of Obama begins with who his parents, mentors, and close associates have been over the years. They are heavily influenced by Socialist thought; Obama is clearly a class warrior who loves (in concept) labor and hates capital. He (in theory) loves the people associated with labor and hates those associated with capital. You can hear it in nearly every utterance he makes, more strongly when he is speaking truly and not from a speech prepared by somebody else.

I would describe Obama's core worldview as this: Socialists believe that all major crime is economic crime by the "haves" against the "have-nots." If you listen to him speak, if you unbutton his policy initiatives, if you hear him talk about his vision for this country, it is easy to see this.

The natural consequence of this belief is a desire to redistribute wealth from those who have it to those who do not, irrespective of whether it was earned fairly through hard work and innovation, and whether those receiving the fruits of redistribution earned or deserve it.

Socialism is anathema to freedom. It's anathema to the founding principles of this country, which include these words "All Men Are Created Equal." This means, and was meant to mean, that at the moment of conception, we all have an equal chance to better ourselves in this country. Those words were specifically written in response to the European system of nobility, in which your station in life was determined by your birth. These words do not mean that all people will, or should have equal outcomes in life. Only that we have an equal chance to a good life.

Obama believes in equal outcomes. He believes in using the power of the government to take from those who have--redistribution--to give to those who have not. This is the true beliefs of a Socialist.

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