Monday, April 9, 2012

Awwww: Obama Having Trouble Coming Up with a Slogan


It’s a Politico article, and we boycott Politico here, so the link goes to Hot Air Headlines:

Their options, though, are limited: Many of Obama’s biggest achievements — health care reform, financial reform, the stimulus package — are deeply divisive. The ones that are the most widely popular — the killing of Osama bin Laden and the ending of the Iraq War — are foreign policy notches that don’t have much to do with the economy, which polls consistently show is the top concern among voters right now.

I have carefully considered my response to this article, and have decided on the following. Ahem.


Meanwhile, Mitt Romney’s slogan could not be more obvious.

I am not Barack Obama!

Sounds like a winner to me.

Submit your Obama campaign HERE

Your suggestions for Obama’s campaign slogan are welcome. Consider this a contest. Best one gets a mention in a post on Wednesday.

Source: Paterico

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