Obamacare has your medical records
Obamacare created a database, the Health Claims Data Warehouse (HCDW), into which all health care claims submitted for exchange members, Medicare/Medicaid/FEP/CHIP members and PCIP members will be uploaded, stored, and queried. Explained as a way to provide statistical analysis of health care expenditures, the database contains and allows queries to retrieve the following information:
"OPM uses identifiable data to create person-level longitudinal records, which are long-term health records that allow us to examine individual health information over time."
Gee, doesn't that sound wonderful?
As usual, thanks be to God, the federal government is technically inept and hasn't yet figured out how to create data feeds from all insurers in all states, or defined a data structure, or any of the other tasks necessary to implement this monstrosity. It's only a matter of time, however. Unless stopped, this data warehouse will make the NSA look like Romper Room.
No one is talking about this and the lack of conversation concerns me. Please ask your congresscritters about this and make your displeasure known.
Obamacare has your medical records
Obamacare created a database, the Health Claims Data Warehouse (HCDW), into which all health care claims submitted for exchange members, Medicare/Medicaid/FEP/CHIP members and PCIP members will be uploaded, stored, and queried. Explained as a way to provide statistical analysis of health care expenditures, the database contains and allows queries to retrieve the following information:
a. Name, social security number, date of birth, gender.
b. Home address.
c. Covered dependent information (spouse, dependents)—name, social security number, date of birth, gender.
d. Enrollee's employing agency.
e. Name of health care provider.
f. Health care provider address.
g. Health care provider taxpayer identification number (TIN) or carrier identifier.
h. Health care coverage information regarding benefit coverage for the plan in which the person is enrolled.
i. Health care procedures performed on the individual in the form of ICD, CPT and other appropriate codes.
j. Health care diagnoses in the form of ICD codes, and treatments, including prescribed drugs, derived from clinical medical records.
k. Provider charges, amounts paid by the plan and amounts paid by the enrollee for the above coverage, procedures, and diagnoses.
Health Claims Data Warehouse (HCDW)
"OPM uses identifiable data to create person-level longitudinal records, which are long-term health records that allow us to examine individual health information over time."
Gee, doesn't that sound wonderful?
The purpose of this system of records is to provide a central database from which OPM may analyze costs and utilization of services associated with FEHBP to ensure the best value for both enrollees and taxpayers. OPM collects, manages, and analyzes health services data that health insurers and administrators provide through secure data transfer for the program. OPM's analysis of the data includes the cost of care, utilization of services, and quality of care for specific population groups, geographic areas, health plans, health care providers, disease conditions, and other relevant categories. The information contained in the database assists in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of care delivered by health care providers to the enrollees by facilitating robust contract negotiations, health plan accountability, performance management, and program evaluation. OPM uses identifiable data to create person-level longitudinal records, which are long-term health records that allow us to examine individual health information over time. Access to personally identifiable information is highly restricted to personnel needed to create person-level longitudinal records and to select OPM analysts using the database for analytical purposes. (ibid)
As usual, thanks be to God, the federal government is technically inept and hasn't yet figured out how to create data feeds from all insurers in all states, or defined a data structure, or any of the other tasks necessary to implement this monstrosity. It's only a matter of time, however. Unless stopped, this data warehouse will make the NSA look like Romper Room.
No one is talking about this and the lack of conversation concerns me. Please ask your congresscritters about this and make your displeasure known.
Privacy Act of 1974: New System of Records
Notice Of Amendment To System Of Records.
OPM has amended an existing system of records subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) to reflect the fact that the Office of Planning and Policy Analysis (PPA) is receiving Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) Health Claims data directly from some FEHBP carriers, and processing and analyzing this data within OPM. PPA is developing the alternative data intake process to acquire data from plans and/or carriers that are outside of the scope of existing OPM systems.
ht: Elena
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