The grand strategy of the left is to seize and then to occupy alone the choke points of society. The left is pleased to move slowly, disarming opponents through pious professions of unbiased interest. Consider education and its companion groups. Many decades ago, as early as the 1920s, the left began to deliberately occupy positions of control within the field of education. In academia, that meant grabbing sinecures in History, Political Science, Sociology and the like. It meant also the creation and control of professional associations of academicians. Tenure, once the left had a majority of the faculty, was used to deny opportunity for advancement to those who disagreed with the left and to promote untalented haters like Ward Churchill or Anita Hill into places of power. Now we live in a world in which leftism is ubiquitous in colleges.
Public school has also been choke point possessed by enemies of liberty and logic. The pseudo-history taught our children propounds a villainous cabal of Christians, males, Europeans, businessmen and other lesser demons. College degrees in "Education" are required before a teacher can instruct public school classrooms and these education department of colleges are occupied by the left. Teachers who resist the leftism they must stay quiet in college education classes and even so these non-leftist teacher may find themselves required to join a teachers' union, which will not only spends their dollars to hire Democrats also sends them unwarranted leftist glop.
Children who go through public education face an imposing gauntlet of teachers and classes which pound the same false notions into the students' minds. State-controlled instruction creates demonologies of businessmen, people of Judeo-Christian faith, European descendants, and patriots. These children are pompously told that they have learned much when, grimily, they have learned almost nothing. They read poorly. They write atrociously. They have no grasp of logic. Their knowledge of history and religion is pathetic.
The left insures that those who leave our public schools and enter our universities move seamlessly from a world of intellectual and moral nihilism into a higher grade of the same vacuity. The choke points, the places in which the flicker of hope can shine, have been shut tight. These young adults have grown up watching television. Forget the news programs, which mean nothing to anyone any more. The entertainment programming which these children absorb from the earliest age is marinated in leftism. Sacred words like "recycle" and "tolerance" are insinuated into every situation in life.
The young person may look for help at the public library. This is, after all, intended to be the place where vistas of the mind are expanded. Yet very few of the "new books" in most libraries are written in opposition to the prevailing currents of leftism. The American Library Association, an umbrella organization to which over thousands of library systems belong, refuses to condemn Castro's imprisonment of librarians and consistently takes a leftist position. Ironically, conservatives write many best sellers and succeed in the book publishing field just like in the talk radio arena. But when the gatekeepers all are ideologues of the same persuasion, only one way of thinking receives recognition (conservatives may recall that when Rush Limbaugh's books came out, staff in booksellers would put his book in the cooking section, turn the jacket around, etc. – the "profit motive" is powerful, but the "ideological motive" of the leftist true believer trumps money.)
Long ago the left also began to inhabit "mainstream religion." Organizations like the National Council of Churches are reflexive in their support for leftist tyrants or chic leftist causes. The same is true of many mainstream religions. The pews of those leftist-occupied churches have been shrinking for years, and the ordination of homosexual bishops, support for premarital sex and out of wedlock birth, and deconstruction of historical religious texts are intended to provide utterly nothing for the soul desperately in need of something.
The long, dreary list of groups that are wholly own subsidiaries of leftism seems to swallow us up: American Bar Association, American Medical Association, NOW, United Way, League of Women Voters, NAACP, American Association of University Women, and many, many more. This is the familiar pattern - the collective, the hive, the group – leftists always seek the comfort of "associations" or "councils" or "leagues." What happens when conservatives form organizations like Concerned Women or America, the largest women's organization in America? It is a pariah, an unperson, a Jim Crow organization to the leftist gatekeepers at the choke points of society.
What are the sixty percent of Americans who call ourselves "conservatives" to do, then? Most of us already know. Recognize that organizations with the most benign names are often our worst enemies. We should utterly ignore them. Attention is the most priceless commodity today, especially to the insecure creatures of the left. Calculated yawns in the direction of these leftist vanities panic them. When we all think and speak like independent souls, then the grotesque menagerie of leftist mouthpieces is a shrill, empty voice in the wind. We should decline membership or help for any of these groups.
There are government programs which we cannot simply decline to join like schools, libraries and colleges. In those cases, we should support real diversity. I have said that we should privatize education. We should also allow competing library systems - allow a citizen by his choice of membership to support which pleases him most. We should have vouchers for college would also allow students and parents to choose the best value and the least indoctrination.
The reason why a small percentage of rather silly Americans controls so much of our lives, is that they pinpointed the choke points of society, they burrowed from within to control those choke points, and they slaughter anyone who threatens their control. We will win the war for America when we oust the left from those choke points and let ideas, information and art flow freely: we win fair fights.
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