Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Obama regime now leaving fake bombs attached to embassy vehicle in Oslo, Norway

Wait, Romney was gaffe prone overseas? Give me a break. The so called “Romney gaffes” that the pink slime media has whined about was telling the Brits the truth about their London Olympics, telling Israel that their capital should be in Jerusalem, and that Israel’s culture is responsible for their success. Sound like gaffes to you? If they do, you are probably a moonbat. But one thing I wouldn’t have to worry about a Romney presidency starting next year after he wins in November is attaching fake bombs to embassy vehicle in Oslo, Norway or anywhere else causing a bomb scare.

U.S. officials apologized today for mistakenly leaving a fake bomb attached to an embassy vehicle in Oslo and causing a bomb scare that led to the evacuation of the U.S. embassy, Norway’s royal palace and part of downtown Oslo.

The device had been placed beneath an embassy vehicle as part of a security drill and then mistakenly left there. It was spotted by security guards at the embassy’s front entrance when someone tried to drive the vehicle onto embassy grounds just after 11 a.m. local time, triggering the evacuation of the embassy and the palace, the cancellation of an international children’s soccer game nearby, and an interruption of nearby subway train traffic.

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