Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bad Parenting Grand Prize: Mental, Physical and Sexual Abuse, All Wrapped up in One!


Pro-abortion Mom of the Year: “I don’t regret helping my 15-year-old daughter get an abortion”

As you can imagine, the title caught my attention. I started reading a mother’s description of finding out her 15-year-old daughter was pregnant:
In my mind my daughter knew better. She is the homeschooled daughter of the president of the state chapter of a national feminist organization. The first time she ever spoke at the capitol was at a joint Senate and House hearing on teen pregnancy. She was 13 and spoke about the need for comprehensive sex education. She and I along with her sister are clinic escorts. She knows all about birth control, condoms, and Plan B. She has always had knowledge about and access to contraception as well as being encouraged to wait until she is older to have sex...

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