Boehner 36, Pelosi 31, Reid 25
September 4, 2011 by Don Surber
If Democrats think that President Obama can be re-elected by running against Congress, then by all means I encourage them to do so. That is because more than half of the electorate has an unfavorable opinion of Senate Democratic Harry Reid and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, according to the Rasmussen Poll. Not that the public is all that pleased with Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell or Speaker of the House John Boehner. But less than half the people hate them. Which is better than President Obama is doing.
Indeed when strong disapproval is subtracted from strong approval, the intensity of dislike is harsher for Democrats.
Let us go to the boards.
Favorable Unfavorable Strength
of Approval
Obama 45% 54% -21
Reid 25% 51% -27
Pelosi 31% 59% -33
Boehner 36% 41% -13
McConnell 26% 41% -14
To be fair, here is how the Daily Kos/SEIU Poll sees it (previous week’s numbers in parenthesis):
I don’t know. A lot of people being called ugly by a frog in these polls.
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