Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Trevor Loudon to Address Arkansas “Freedom Fair"

On October 22, I’ve been kindly asked to address a Freedom Fair organized by the Northwest Arkansas Citizens for Better Government.

This will be a very big event, with considerable sponsorship and projected attendance of several hundred people from Arkansas and neighboring states. email the organizers, or phone Jeff Oland on 479 871 9551 if you’d like to attend. Its going to be educational and inspiring, a great great fun!

Personally, I’m also really looking forward to my first visit to the South.

I am in the US from mid October to at least early November, researching, meeting colleagues and speaking.

I am addressing a “Tea Party” meeting in New Jersey on October 19 and an America’s Survival conference in Washington DC on October 27.

I also have confirmed meetings, media interviews, private meetings etc in Oregon, Las Vegas and New York.

I don’t normally advertise my itinerary for security reasons, but this trip is a little different. If you’d like to meet me, interview me, or want me to address an event, please email me.

I will also be promoting my new book Barack Obama and the Enemies Within, which is an edited compilation of the Obama Files, originally posted on this blog.

Any contributions towards the cost of travel and accommodation are gratefully received -through the PayPal button to the right. I fund my research trips solely through contributions and out of my own pocket.

So looking forward to my next visit to the most hospitable country in the world.

Trevor Loudon

New Zeal

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