Sunday, April 17, 2011

A 14-year-old girl speaks at the Tea Party rally in Madison and is drowned out by chants, boos, and cowbells

My Subtitle: 14 year old adult verbally assaulted by union protestors with the mentality of spoiled 3 year olds.

This video — shot by Meade and edited by me — begins with a little boy banging on a plastic bucket "drum." A man with a guitar is performing — amplified — on the stage, but we can barely hear him over the crowd noise. There is incessant ringing of cowbells. Then, we can hear that a young woman is speaking from the stage to the Tea Party crowd as the protesters do what they can to drown her out. She finishes — "God bless America" — and the tea partiers cheer but the protesters overwhelm them with boos. The emcee comes to the mike and we hear that the speaker was only 14 years old.

ADDED: One of the chants during her speech is "Go home! Go home! Go home!"

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