Sunday, May 1, 2011


The Sticky Note Campaign!

Tens of thousands of ordinary Americans are joining in a silent protest against Barack Obama by placing sticky notes on gas pumps, grocery shelves, and anywhere else that will get your attention.

Clever, huh? Simple too. That’s what makes it so ingenious; it’s not destructive, it’s cheap, and anyone can do it.

The campaign’s Facebook page has over 65,000 friends, as is growing by leaps and bounds. The protest has gone viral, and is getting run on various other sites as well. Good ol’ grassroots politics.

So here’s the deal:

Grab a pad of large sticky notes and a Sharpie. Write “How’s that Hope & Change working out for you?” Every time you fill up your car, put your sticky note on the pump before you drive away. Make sure you place the note somewhere that doesn’t cover the pump’s digital readout, or cause the next customer to have to remove your sticky to operate the pump. Grocery store shelves sound like a great opportunity as well.

Keep it clean! Unlike the vitriolic protests we’ve seen from the left, this is a great opportunity to display a little civility.

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