Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Obama regime edits laughter out of Obama’s claim he created 2.1 million jobs at another fundraiser

Obama regime edits laughter out of Obama’s claim he created 2.1 million jobs at another fundraiser
Nice try Obama but too late, you’ve already been exposed (again.) Earlier in the day the Obama regime issued a press release about Democrat fundraiser at the Mardarin Oriental Hotel in DC. Check out the original press release when Obama claimed that over the last 15 months, HE created “over” 2.1 million private sector jobs.

Image: Gateway Pundit

Actually, Obama has lost 2.5 million private sector jobs since his regime took over. 1.9 million since the porkulus. The DNC crowd erupted in laughter. Almost like Obama and Jeffery Immelt did when Obama claimed “the shovel ready jobs weren’t as shovel ready as we thought.”

This is of course another major embarrassment to the corrupt Obama regime. Someone decided to edit out the “laughter” part and replace it when applause, after several hours of showing the laughter by DNC donors. I guess Democrats feel that the plight of the average American who can’t find a job is funny. Obama already proved that last week.

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