Monday, July 18, 2011

Obama regime gives out more ObamaCARE waivers – now 1471 waivers granted

Looks like the soft tyrannical Obama regime is giving out more ObamaCARE waivers. ABC’s website reported on this, but doesn’t report who or what companies received them. There is also no mention on how many of these waivers went to Nancy Pelosi’s district. The total amount of waivers now given out by this corrupt Obama regime now stands at 1.471. Wyoming Senator John Barrasso will introduce legislation next week that would allow all Americans to apply for a waiver. Of course, we all know the Marxist Democrats in the Senate will never allow this bill to pass.

“If the law worked well, companies and unions would not demand a way out of its expensive mandates. Each waiver demonstrates that the President’s health care law is a complete failure. The law continues to crush jobs, increase premiums and encourage government controlled health care,” Barrasso said in a written statement. “It’s not fair that a particular group of Americans, including union employees, don’t have to abide by the law. Millions of other Americans across the country deserve the same freedom,” he said.

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