Friday, August 5, 2011

JP Morgan Attempts Takeover of FDIC

When, if ever, will these "Foreclosure Mills" realize thay are not part of the "Too Big To Fail" crowd?

They merely carry their poisonous water. Nothing more.

Lawsuits from the top by the "Investment Banks", lawsuits from the bottom also aimed squarely at the "Commercial Banks". This IS a Nation of Laws not Men. In these dark times there will be many lawsuits. It is required.

This is very fitting on a day where the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped off five-hundred (500) points.

As we watch the Ponzi collapse like a Jenga Castle it is bitterly ironic that the "Foreclosure Mill" attorneys, who freely chose their path, will be pulverised by the very Masters they serve.

They will be blamed by those they represent and they will be scorned by those they deceive.

There is nowhere to run. There is nowhere to hide. Our Nation has been consumed by the reality of your bailouts.

JPMorgan Attempts Takeover of FDIC

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