Monday, September 5, 2011

Too Black to Fail

Posted on 9/5/2011 3:52:04 AM by Flotsam_Jetsome

Wikipedia describes “Too big to fail” as “a colloquial term in regulation and public policy that refers to businesses dealing with market complications related to moral hazard . . .” and describes the theory as being one which purports that “certain financial institutions are so large and so interconnected that their failure” would be catastrophic to the economy, and they therefore deserve to receive special treatment in the form of favorable financial and economic policies from either governments, central banks or both to ensure their continued viability. It’s as if these entities are so integral, so critical, that they must be propped up at virtually all costs.

Barack Obama is similarly the recipient of such favorable treatment. The policies beneficial to him are myriad, long-standing, and encompass not only economically and financially favorable elements, but include an astounding immunity to criticism. They are also racist.

No other man or woman would, with Mr. Obama’s stunning lack of verifiable historical, educational and vocational records, have ever in a million years been considered even a serious contender, let alone successful aspirant to the presidency, unless the fix was in. In short, Mr. Obama was elected on the basis of three traits: his good looks, his ability to follow a script, and his tan.

When he appeared as the keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, he was immediately hailed as the Next Big Thing, and his handlers, enablers and both the DNC and their lapdogs in the mainstream media began working overtime on grooming his image (and scrubbing his history) in preparation for his run at the Oval Office. And despite a plethora of unanswered questions regarding his past, his academic performance, his associations with shady characters, and even though he has zero demonstrable managerial, let alone executive experience, he and his team managed to land him the most coveted job in the world.

The active efforts of Obama’s minions, the complicity of the media, and the cowardice of our so-called leaders at all levels of government are what resulted in the installation of this ineligible fraud in our White House. They are also the forces that continue to prop up his failed regime in the face of mountains of evidence that the effects of an Obama presidency indicate epic ineptitude, if not diabolical malfeasance when it comes to America’s best interests.

The liberal American media wanted a candidate that could advance their favored socialist agenda with impunity. A huge number of the American electorate wanted, and still want to demonstrate that they aren’t racists themselves, by supporting a “black” man for office at all costs. The need for “racial healing” trumped all when it came to promoting, nurturing and cosseting Obama as a candidate, and it continues three years into the “administration” of this America-hating, Marxist, ineligible FAKE.

I wish that I could tell you that Obama and his evil (yes, evil) team of thugs are headed for a life of pink jumpsuits and baloney sandwiches a la Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s illustrious accommodations at a prison tent city in Arizona. Alas, I believe that the usurper and his helpers will for the most part be allowed to continue their shenanigans with near impunity through 20 January 2013, and that presumes that the electorate is not duped or shamed into voting for the huckster once again. In a world where truth and justice are honored, Dear Reader and his cabal of thugs, grifters and thieves would have been held to account long ago. Obama’s status as the first so-called “African American President” has unfortunately lent him a level of protection from political attack heretofore unseen in American politics. In the opinions of Congress, the Mainstream Media, the courts and far, far too many of the American public, he has truly been deemed Too Black to Fail. More’s the pity.

If not you, who? If not now, when?


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