Monday, February 6, 2012

Good News for Rick Santorum!

Rick Santorum had a pretty good week. He finished a distant fourth in the Nevada caucuses, but the turnout was so low--down nearly 25 percent from 2008--that the event became yet another indictment of the front-runner. A Rasmussen poll showed Santorum as the only Republican in the field beating Obama in a head-to-head matchup. And--as if to confirm that Santorum might be seeing some movement--the Romney campaign took time out of its still-continuing assault on Newt (they're still going after him every day, hard)) to take a shot at Santorum.

In a Sunday press release slugged "RICK SANTORUM: PROUD DEFENDER OF EARMARKS AND PORK-BARREL SPENDING," the Romney oppo shop dumped a list of 18 news items (dating back to 2003) trying to paint Santorum as a free spendin', Big Government-lovin', flip-flopper.

As always, irony is tucked away on a high shelf at the Romney campaign.

The good news for Santorum is that if Romney is going negative, he must see you as a threat.

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