Monday, March 19, 2012

Fighting Back in the War on Free Speech

Pamela Geller, Yahoo! Contributor Network
March 18, 2012

Free speech is under attack worldwide, and the attack is growing in virulence. But now a new international organization is fighting back.

Back in December, the United Nations passed Resolution 16/18, with the backing of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The stated goal of the resolution was to "combat intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of discrimination, incitement to violence, and violence against persons based on religion or belief," but this is all just smoke and mirrors. In fact, this resolution is designed to restrict truthful speech about Islamic supremacy and jihad, so as to render the West mute and defenseless before the advancing threat of jihad and Sharia.

Those who assume that the First Amendment will protect us from this are whistling in the dark. The First Amendment doesn't work automatically. And if you think that Constitutional Amendments can't be restriction and essentially legislated out of existence, try buying a handgun in New York City. Legally, that is.

But now a new organization is fighting back against this assault on our most fundamental freedom. The first session of the International Freedom Defense Congress, the operating body of the human rights organization "Stop Islamization of Nations" (SION), will be held in New York on September 11, 2012. The principal focus of the Congress will be a media workshop addressing Islamic supremacist attempts to restrict the freedom of speech in the free world, and the smear campaigns against freedom fighters in newspapers and media institutions in the West.

The objective of this first-of-its-kind workshop is to develop media-related mechanisms to address the smear campaigns and give free people the resources they need to fight back and defend freedom.

The workshop will discuss at length the reasons behind and the results of the Western media's offensive campaigns against freedom of speech and the truth about Islam, jihad, Islamic supremacy and Muslims, which it added still occur from time to time. It will represent a quantum leap in media action, as it discusses, beyond rhetoric, the practical steps that freedom lovers need to take in order to address the phenomenon of the Islamic war against free speech.

Freedom fighters from all over the globe, journalists, intellectuals and academicians will be among the participants in the workshop, which will consist of brainstorming sessions to develop mechanisms for cooperation with external partners, and to develop an action plan to address the phenomenon of the Islamic war against free speech.

This is the first significant step to resist OIC efforts to destroy the freedom of speech and impose Sharia blasphemy laws on the free world.

This Congress will be held on the eleventh anniversary of the day jihad came to America in order to strike a blow for freedom.

Speakers at SION's International Freedom Defense Congress will include SION President and human rights activist Pamela Geller, SION Vice-President, author and scholar, Robert Spencer, the Israeli author Dr. Mordechai Kedar; Dr. Ashraf Rameleh, President of Voice of the Copts, an international organization standing up for the human rights of Coptic Christians and all religious minorities against religious bigotry and intolerance; Dr. Ali Sina, the renowned ex-Muslim author and founder of; Cliff Kincaid, editor of the Accuracy in Media (AIM) and a leader of the struggle to keep the jihadi propaganda network Al-Jazeera off American airwaves; Anders Gravers of "Stop Islamisation of Europe" (SIOE); Danish free speech advocate Lars Hedegaard; Italian human rights activists Magdi Christiano Allam and Valentina Colombo; English politician and freedom fighter Paul Weston; and renowned Muhammad cartoonist Lars Vilks. More speakers will be announced shortly.

In SION we stand for the freedom of speech - as opposed to Islamic prohibitions of "blasphemy" and "slander," which are used effectively to quash honest discussion of jihad and Islamic supremacism; the freedom of conscience - as opposed to the Islamic death penalty for apostasy; and the equality of rights of all people before the law - as opposed to Sharia's institutionalized discrimination against women and non-Muslims.

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