Monday, April 9, 2012

Finally someone else is catching on to the disaster that is Ken Salazar

Posted: April 6, 2012 by chad98036

I don’t comment at Ace’s anymore so I am going to address this (“Former Interior Department Adviser: Ken Salazar Was So Determined To Remove Dams, His Agency Cooked The Books To Get The “Science” He Wanted“) here:

Welcome to the club Ace! I have been saying for a couple years that one of the major impediments to energy independence, as well as economic recovery, is Ken Salazar. Glad someone else is starting to realize it. Of course it’s 3 years too late. Keystone XL is dead, China is going to be buyiong that oil, so prices will be going up stifling economic development and recovery. Rocky Mountain Oil Shale is dead, so no tapping of a vast domestic energy supply, oil prices will be going up stifling economic development and recovery. Gulf Oil Drilling is severely wounded / dying so oil prices will be going up stifling economic development and recovery. The list goes on. All of it directly attributable to Ken Salazar. Good job staying on top of the energy ball GOP.

Let me once again point out that utilizing only economically recoverable domestic sources the US has enough energy to last it for a thousand years at current rates of consumption. Incorporate some alternative sources and conservation and that time grows longer. (Yes, I know wind and solar are not particularly viable at the moment but someday they will be, that is the nature of technology.) Do you think maybe it might be a good idea for the GOP / Conservatives to point this out occassionally outside of an election year. Even during an election year it would be nice if they would articulate a freakin’ vision other than Obama is making the price of gas go higher. Offer a solution you dillwads. OK rant is over.

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