Monday, April 9, 2012

North Dakota GOP Screws Over Santorum

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April 9, 2012

I’d heard some talk about this: Evidently, the pro-Romney leadership of the North Dakota Republican Party rigged their state convention so that, despite the fact that Mitt Romney came in third in the March 6 caucuses, he got most of the delegates. The Right Scoop has this video:

(Hat-tip: Richard McEnroe on Twitter.) The amazing thing about this is how GOP “leaders” flagrantly screw over their own rank-and-file like this — and “leaders” in the Republican Party do this all the time — and then wonder why it’s so hard to generate grassroots enthusiasm for their hand-picked candidates.

Short of tar-and-feathering the corrupt bastards, what can you do?

SOURCE: TheOtherMcain.Com

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