Sunday, May 20, 2012

TN Man Fathers 30 Kids But Can’t Support Any

by Cardigan
May 19, 2012


(Knoxville, TN) Desmond Hatchett is pleading with the state of Tennessee to help him pay for child support.

With 30 kids, who could afford to pay child support?

Yes, 30 children by 11 different “baby mamas.”

Desmond explained how it all happened, well you know what we mean, “I had four kids in the same year. Twice.”

The children range in age from toddlers to 14 years old.

He was last in court in 2009, at which time he had 21 children.

That means he’s had at least 9 more children in the last 3 years.

Hatchett only has a minimum wage job, which means some of the moms receive as little as… $1.49 a month.

See the father of the year on video HERE

He’s not the only guilty party in this situation.
How much “government a$$istance” are the baby mamas getting off the taxpayer?

h/t Get Off My Lawn

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