Sunday, July 22, 2012

Is Barack Obama Gay?

Since at least the 1964 election, the agenda-driven media in this country has aggressively promoted the Left’s favored candidates in every election while strategically targeting conservatives for destruction. A copy of the Alinsky Rules for Radicals sits in every newsroom in the country, where “journalists” employ Alinsky Methods to polarize, ostracize, ridicule, and impugn Republicans at every available opportunity. In the zeal to destroy conservative politicians, the agenda-drive media quite often reports rumors and innuendo as concrete fact. Leftist websites like rush to be first! in reporting Republican scandals, never much worrying about being “right”.

A real double-standard’s in play when it comes to accusations made about politicians: if a Democrat’s being accused of anything, the agenda-driven media attacks the accuser, digging up any dirt it has on the person and mobilizing the Alinsky Goon Squads to annihilate this perceived opponent of the Left; if it’s a Republican who’s been accused of anything, the agenda-driven media heralds the accuser as the bravest and most courageous person on the planet for coming forward with dirt on the conservative in the race.

If you have followed Barack Hussein Obama’s meteoric rise to power, you’ve noticed that anyone asking questions about his background typically finds him or herself on the receiving end of the Alinsky Attack Machine. Any criticism of Obama is called RAAACIST! Anyone who inquires about the many mysteries surrounding his “missing years” or his activities while in college and in his early days in Chicago is called every name in the book in the efforts to discredit that questioner.

Why is that?

What’s Barack Obama hiding…and what is the Left going to such lengths to keep hidden?

Could it all boil down to something as simple as Barack Obama being gay?

Is THAT what all the enigma, subterfuge, and Alinsky Goon Squad assaults are all really about?

Is Barack Obama our first down-low, closeted gay President and is Michelle Antoinette Obama our first fully-complicit “beard” of a First Lady?

As the agenda-driven media is always so quick to say when a conservative is accused of anything: you be the judge


Men Barack Obama Has Dated:

[ Pakistani "roommate" whom Barack Obama lived with during college; this is apparently the same man that Obama traveled to Pakistan (or as Obama calls it, POCK-ee-STAHan) with in the 1980s when American citizens were not allowed into the country. This is the trip where Barack Obama used his Indonesian passport to get into Pakistan instead of using his American passport. There have never been two straight males in the history of the world who have sat on the couch together like this. ]

[ Actor Kal Penn (whom Barack Obama dated from 2008 during his campaign until 2009 when Penn was given a mysterious role in the White House to fill; Penn abruptly left the White House after possibly being sexually harassed or otherwise breaking up with Barack Obama). ]

[ You can already read the distance between Reggie Love and Barack Obama growing in the photo above. On November 10th, 2011 the White House issued a press release announcing Barack Obama's breakup with Reggie Love, whom the White House identified as Obama's favorite "body man". No clue was given at the time as to who the next man in the President's life would be. ]


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