Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Seriously: Liberals Are Cheap with Charity

August 21, 2012
John Ransom

Townhall Finance - A new study produced by the Chronicle of Philanthropy shows that 14 out of the top 20 states in charitable giving are red, or Republican states, while 12 of the bottom 15 are blue, or Democrat states.

“The nation's sharp political divide can provide a clue to fundraisers,” writes the Chronicle. “The eight states that ranked highest in The Chronicle's analysis voted for John McCain in the last presidential contest while the seven lowest-ranking states supported Barack Obama.”

The study also found that the more religious states- which also happen to be more Republican- tend to give more than the less religious states.

But wait.

No, no, no: This can’t mean what we think it means.

It can’t mean that liberals are just cheaper than conservatives, despite outward appearances.

Let’s disregard what the data tells us, and go to that bastion of deconstructing EVERYTHING, white, liberal academia- with just a hint of Native American to satisfy a quota- so they can tell us what the study REALLY means.

So to make that point – in other words to make the point that liberals AREN’T really cheap- we need to cue the liberal social scientist whose job it is to explain to us that the results of the study don’t really say what they say.

We'll let Professor Running Mouth explain it.

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