Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Thug In The White House

Posted on Saturday August 04, 22:07:13 GMT-0400 2012 by Armaggedon

Obama is a focus of the unholy trinity, hate, lies and death. The mass media spreads Obama's disease by creating an image of the beast which is infectous for those who do not have a firm foundation in the divine trinity of love, truth and life. Obama hopes to get re-elected by infecting as many as he can with his hate, lies and death.

Obama also hopes to ridicule all those who honor love, truth and life. If Obama can prevent people from voting for Romney he will have four more years to curse and destroy America. Obama is full of hate and spreads that spirit. Obama is a fountain of lies and pours out that corruption. Obama spreads sin through his religeous cult of political correctness. Obama's denial of divine principle sets up a harvest of destruction and death. Obama does not know that he cannot fight God and win. How many people will Obama lead to the gates of denying God on earth? The mass media creates, defends and spreads the Obama image of the beast and many are being infected. This is separating the sheep from the goats. The Obama cult will pass away. Let us choose Love, Truth and Life.

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