Friday, September 14, 2012

America's Feckless Leader Apologizes AGAIN ... J. D. Longstreet

Friday, September 14
Conservative Blog Central

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

The assault on US embassies in Cairo, Egypt and in Benghazi, Libya recently puts the lie to the claims that Islamic nations can exist as democratic nations that contribute something to the rest of the world -- something other than war and bloodshed.

The whole thing smacks of Jimmy Carter and the US embassy take over in Tehran. I had one flashback after the other as I watched the stories flooding out of Libya. And why not? The causation is the same -- incompetence by the then -- and current -- presidential administration of the United States.

Obama looked and sounded like Jimmy Carter using some of the very same phraseology Carter used when Ronald Reagan condemned Carter's handling of the hostage crisis in Iran under his (Carter's) watch.

CBC has more....

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