Saturday, September 8, 2012

From The Department of Ignorance: President Barack Obama is being disrespected because he’s black

Sept 7, 2012

In response to the Sept. 1 letter “Color of your skin still matters in this country”: How right the writer is. Remember President Obama’s State of the Union address when a legislator shouted out “You lie!”? I am 59 years old and have never seen any president so disrespected.

How about the tea party’s “we want our country back”? That’s blatant racism.

Remember Donald Trump leading the Republican primary? He forced Obama to show his birth certificate again. Trump had no intention of running for president. He doesn’t want his business dealings to be scrutinized.

No one can say where Mitt Romney stands on major issues. He’s in a virtual dead heat with Obama because Obama is black.

The Obama presidency highlighted the Republican Party as the white people’s party. Far too many whites will never vote for a black man. But like all other civil rights struggles, there are just enough fair-minded white people to overcome the ignorance.

It still amazes me that a human being can hate another because of skin color. My black brothers and sisters also need to wake up. If they are prejudiced against whites, then they are no better than racist white people.

I think that by electing this country’s first black president, the United States has worldwide respect as never before. Now, we look like we walk it like we talk it.

What do you think the world view was in the ’60s? We preached democracy and freedom while white police beat blacks with nightsticks, let dogs bite them, stung them with high-pressure fire hoses. I would imagine the United States was viewed as a nation of hypocrites.

White people, please, don’t adhere to the tea party battle cry “we want our country back.” Check out Romney’s position on important issues. Don’t vote for Romney just to get rid of the black man in office.


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