Thursday, March 20, 2014

Admin quick to launch D.O.S attacks on Pirate's Bay per Hollywood donor requests, allow terrorist's site to continue operations in spite of threats


Al Qaida magazine shows Times Square as a target

NEW YORK - The spring issue of the al Qaida produced "Inspire" magazine is out, complete with directions on how to build a devastating car bomb without getting caught. Law enforcement officials say it is a propaganda tool that played a role in last year's Boston Marathon bombing. That's just one reason why the NYPD is taking it seriously, Police Commissioner William Bratton said.

"Among the photos and encouragement of where to attack there's a photo of Times Square, 47th and Broadway," Bratton said.

The Times Square area, often called the "Crossroads of the World" has been an obsession of potential terrorists, as we saw in May 2010 with the attempted car bombing.

Former FBI Agent Jonathan Gilliam told me the site remains in the terrorists' crosshairs.

Times Square draws tens of thousands of pedestrians, and has chaotic and crowded traffic routes right through it. Gilliam said while he respects the NYPD, it's time for them to more fully secure the area by limiting vehicle access before it's too late.

Bratton said his predecessor, Ray Kelly, has an excellent track record of preventing more than a dozen terror plots. It's a record he said he intends to keep building.


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