Saturday, April 21, 2012

Man Attacks Reporter On Live TV… Yells “I’m That N**ger” To Viewers (Video)

Posted by Andrea Ryan
Friday, April 20, 2012, 6:00 PM
The Gateway Pundit:

By: Andrea Ryan

While reporting live on the streets of Myrtle Beach Wednesday night, WMBF news reporter, Ashley Taylor, was attacked before viewers at home ironically expecting to watch a report on escalating crime rates. One of the “four to five males lingering in the area” pushed Taylor out of the way, grabbed her microphone, and “began shouting the ‘N’ word in reference to himself”.

Via Drudge, WLBT Channel 3 has more,

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) A Charlotte man is behind bars after shoving a WMBF News reporter, snatching her microphone, and shouting expletives on live television Wednesday night.

While standing on the sidewalk at 915 North Ocean Boulevard in the heart of Myrtle Beach, reporter Ashley Taylor was speaking live during the WMBF 11 p.m. newscast concerning the escalating crime rates across the Grand Strand, when she was violently pushed from in front of the camera.

Justin Moore, 20, of Charlotte, NC, jumped in front of the camera after nearly shoving Taylor to the ground. Donning a blue t-shirt and dark sunglasses, the man snatched the microphone from the startled reporter’s hand and began shouting the “N” word, in reference to himself.

An unexpecting audience viewing the newscast suddenly saw Moore come across their screen and scream, “I am that [‘N' word],” before the live shot ended.

In a report from the Myrtle Beach Police Department, officers state they were contacted by the victim who said while she prepared to go live on television she and a coworker noticed a group of four to five males lingering in the area.

When Taylor began talking, she told police, one of the males knocked her out of the way, nearly causing her to fall to the pavement after grabbing her microphone.

Police officers were given pictures of the suspect, who was arrested only moments later. Video of the assault was given to police who placed the recording into evidence.

Moore was placed under arrest and charged with third degree assault and battery. He was released from jail Thursday afternoon on a bond of just under $1,400.

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