Friday, April 20, 2012

Pelosi: Obama is not in campaign mode

Pelosi: Boehner is 'cute,' but wrong
byJoel Gehrke Commentary Staff Writer
Washington Examiner:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., rejected an attack on President Obama levelled by House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, saying it was "cute, but it's not true" that Obama is in campaign mode.

"It's cute, but it isn't true," Pelosi said during her weekly press briefing. "The president has been engaged, he has been engaged with the american people, and for that reason the republicans had to come around on the payroll tax cut in the House."

To prove her point, Pelosi argued that "President Obama was in agreement with the grand bargain that the two of them negotiated last summer," before saying "the Republicans walked away."

Pelosi was disputing the idea that "The president checked out last Labor Day," as Boehner charged yesterday. "All he's done is campaign full time for the last six months. He's not been engaged in the legislative process at all."

Last year, Boehner blamed Obama for the breakdown in grand bargain negotiations, saying the the president "moved the goal post" by demanding more tax revenue increases after the two leaders had come to a deal.

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