Saturday, April 21, 2012

Your tax dollars at work: Obama’s National Institutes of Health spends millions to create homoerotic site which includes game of penis shooting at epithets

I personally don’t have a problem with gays, or if they have websites for their “thing.” I do have a big problem with funding such sites though with my tax dollars, and according to Fox Nation, that’s exactly what we as tax payers are doing. According to the site, Obama’s National Institutes of Health has spent millions of dollars to construct an HIV-prevention website that has sexually explicit features. The site even includes a Space Invaders type game where a penis shaped blaster shoots at gay epithets.

The grant money went to a team of researchers at the University of Minnesota that created a site called Sexpulse. The goal was to draw in what are termed MISM — or “men who use the Internet to seek sex with men” — in order to educate them and ultimately reduce their risk of contracting HIV. But the site used unorthodox methods to get subjects’ attention and keep them interested. The site includes pornographic images of homosexual sex as well as naked and scantily clad men. It includes several risqué interactive features, like the Space Invaders-style arcade game.

Source: FireAndreaMitchell.Com

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